Page 37 of Velvet Lullabies

She was singing a familiar song, Beyonce’s Crazy in Love, Lucian thought. The song was slowed down and Adelina swayed her hips as she sang, looking at whoever held the camera.

Her raspy voice was sexy as hell, and the strap on her dress had slipped down her shoulder giving the camera a good look at her cleavage.

Lucian gazed over at Adelina who had a single tear falling down her check.

Yeah, he didn’t think this was a video made for the public.

Why didn’t her family stop this non-sense? Her mother was nowhere to be found and he spotted Vinny in the corner nursing a glass of cognac and staring right at them. Useless.

Lucian pushed through people until he spotted Massimo. “Turn it off.”

Massimo looked amused. “We’re just listening to the girl sing.”

“Turn it off, Maranzano.” Lucian said again.

“Touchy, as always.” Massimo muttered, hitting a button on his cellphone. “I guess the entertainments over.” He said looking Lucian in the eye.

When Lucian turned around, Adelina was gone.

Chapter Thirteen

“Sing for me Ads,” he had asked laying the red silk piece on the bed.

“In that?”

He laughed at her. He brought his hand to her cheek in a symbol of loving affection. “My naive girl.” He said. “Yes, in that.”


Adelina felt sick to her stomach.

She could remember filming that video like it was yesterday. Theo’s rough, calloused hand ran up and down her body after he handed her the red dress, or lingerie as she insisted it was.

Just for me. He assured her. He was always assuring her of things.

He wanted a video of her singing. Said he loved the way her voice sounded, but he wanted her to wear this skimpy ensemble.

Adelina hated being filmed. Hated being the center of attention really, but Theo, he craved it.

Please, baby. He had said. Do it for me.

He was always pleading, and Adelina was always caving.

The song, was one he had heard her singing in her bedroom. A slowed down version of Beyonce. It was her song of the week, as Theo would call them.

If she would have known that it would come back to haunt her, she wouldn’t have done it. She would have held strong and told Theo no.


Theo had a way of always getting what he wanted in the end.


“Hey,” Lucian’s light voice swayed her from her thoughts. “I think I would have found you sooner, but I didn’t expect you to be in my car.” He laughed softly.

“Sorry, I just needed to get out of there.”

“I get it.” Lucian waved his hand. “He’s an asshole, bella. If it makes you feel better, my father told him he’s taking 20% cut of his next shipment.”