“Where’s Austin?” she asked.

Daniel grabbed her hand and squeezed. “I’ll take you to him, kiddo, but shouldn’t the doctor take a look at you first?”

“The paramedics already did. I’m fine.”

“See what I have to put up with, Dad.” Denver shook his head. “The EMTs said your vitals looked good, but you still needed to be seen by the doctor.”

“That can wait until I see Austin.”

“No, it can’t.” His tone told her he wasn’t giving her an inch.

“Denver, stop manhandling her.” Maude rounded the corner.

Jessie had been drawn to the woman the very first night she’d come to Wilde and checked into the Hotel Cactus—which Maude actually owned. To Jessie’s five cowboys, the woman was Aunt Maude.

Maude smiled at Jessie. “Come here, honey.”

“But she needs to see the doc,” Denver argued.

“She will. One minute to peek in on Austin will calm her mind and may be better medicine than any sawbones could give her.” The old gal knew how to keep him and his brothers on their toes.

“Son, let Maude take her to him.” Daniel Wilde’s tone was comforting. “You and I can go find the doctor.”

“Listen to your dad, nephew.”

Denver shook his head in defeat. “One minute. That’s it.”

“Thank you,” Jessie breathed.

“Then you will see the doctor and do whatever he says you need to do.”

“Yes, Sir. I will. I promise.”

Maude held out her hand. “You look pretty good for what you’ve been through. You’re really okay?”

Jessie nodded and took her hand. They headed down the hallway.

“I took the liberty of going in your room at the hotel and getting you some clothes. They’re in Austin’s room. I thought you could change in there.”

“You’re amazing, Maude.”

“So are you, honey. Awesome even.”

They passed the nurses’ station, and Maude pointed to the door of room four. “He’s in there, Jessie. His mom is with him. She’s expecting you.”

“Thank you so much.”

“Go. I’ll try to hold off the cowboys, but I can only do that for so long.”

Jessie grinned and quietly opened the door to Austin’s room. She saw him first. Her hands shot up to her mouth. The IV in his arm, his eyes closed, and the hospital room stunned her. He was a rock. He wasn’t supposed to be here.

She closed her eyes and fought back the tears. She felt an arm wrap around her.

Mrs. Wilde whispered, “He’s okay, Jessie. Really, he is.”

She hugged the mother of her five cowboys. “I’m so sorry.”

“Whatever for? You didn’t do anything to cause this.”