“Denver?” She finished breathing into the guy then started pushing down on the center of his chest. “One. Two. Three.”

“It’s me, sweetheart.” He crouched next to her, listening to her count the chest compressions.

She turned and smiled weakly at him, continuing her whispered count.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“Ten. Eleven. Bruised, but I’m fine.”

Rage rolled through him when he looked down at the bastard she was trying to save—Rich. “You’ve done enough for this creep.”

“Twenty. Twenty-one. Do. You. Know. C. P. R? Twenty-eight. Twenty-nine. Thirty.” She tilted the teenager’s head back and lifted his chin. Then she pinched his nose and covered his mouth with hers, delivering the first of two breaths.

“Yes. I do.” Denver took over the chest compressions, counting silently.

“Where’s your phone?” she asked.

“In my pocket. Six. Seven. Eight.”

He felt her fish out the phone.

She asked, “What road is this?”

“County Road M, right off of Highway 226.”

She dialed 9-1-1. “Yes. There’s been an accident.” She repeated the location to the operator. “Thank you.”

“Twenty-eight. Twenty-nine. Thirty.”

Once again, Jessie sent two one-second breaths into the unconscious asshole. Before Denver could start another round of chest compressions, the kid coughed, moved slightly, and began breathing shakily.

“Thank God,” Jessie cried.

Denver felt acid hit his tongue from the back of his throat. “He should be dead for what he’s done.”

* * * *

Jessie grabbed Denver’s arm. “He’s just a kid.”

“Who tried to kill you more than once.” The angry cowboy stood up and looked at the rifle he’d placed on the ground.

“I know he did, but please, don’t think about killing him.” She couldn’t imagine he would actually send a bullet into the injured teenager, but she wasn’t going to stay silent and risk it. “I don’t know the whole story, but I think Paul might’ve put him up to it.”

“Paul King is dead.”

“Are you serious?”

“Murdered, likely by this fucker.”

Her whole body began to shake, and the shock of what she’d just been through filled her.

Denver quickly stripped off his shirt and wrapped her in it. He pulled her in tight and squeezed. He kissed her cheeks, and the dam of anxiety she’d been holding back finally broke inside her, releasing a flood of tears from her eyes.

“Shh. I’m here, Jessie. I won’t hurt him, even if he deserves it.”

She sobbed into his chest.

“Let it out, sweetheart. I’m here. You’re safe.”