The deputy suddenly looked up from his notepad. “Sheriff, if Paul King wasn’t the one gunning for Jessie Greene, who is?”

Chapter Three

Jessie drifted out of the divine subspace of Austin’s making. They’d gone several rounds. She’d come another two times. He still hadn’t.

“I’m going to untie you, pet.”

“Yes, Master.” She was deliciously exhausted.

Austin’s intensity and will had blown her away. She’d willingly surrendered everything to him—except for one thing. She would not, could not, concede to his request to make the impossible choice between him and his brothers. He’d won, but so had she.

Hope sprang up in her like a fountain. No matter how long it took, she would have her five men. Austin’s stubbornness would be his final downfall. He wouldn’t stop trying to convince her. But Jessie had her own brand of stubbornness, too. In time, he would come around. Female stubbornness always trumped male stubbornness when it was something that really mattered. And her future with the five Wilde brothers did just that.

As the ties were removed, Austin massaged her wrists and ankles. Then he lowered her to the ground, kissing her as he did. “I’m going to blindfold you, pet.”

Jessie nodded.

He smiled, then placed the blindfold on her. “Sweetheart, concentrate on what is going on in your body.”

She felt Austin slide down beside her. He pulled her in tight into a perfect spooning position.

Little sparks of heat and trembles popped up and down her flesh and deep in her womb. Even her toes continued to curl and uncurl. The aftershocks of the orgasms he’d given her continued to fire.

“What are you doing here?” She felt Austin’s body tense and instantly fear wrapped itself around her like a noose.

Who could it be? Maybe her four cowboys? By Austin’s protective reaction, she knew the answer was someone else? The intruder had crept up silently. Paul King?

Her h

eartbeat pounded like a jackhammer in her chest. She waited for the uninvited person to answer. Nothing.

Austin stood up.

Then, she heard a gunshot.

* * * *

“Fuck this. Why the hell did we agree to midnight?” Jackson paced around the living room of Denver’s house. His eldest brother needed his head examined or his jaw busted. Jackson wouldn’t mind delivering the latter.

“Because Jessie asked.” Denver looked at his cell. “The wait is almost over. It’s ten after eleven.”

“I wish you’d stop giving us the countdown every five minutes, bro. It’s driving me batshit crazy.” Jackson hated how things were turning out. He’d already given up on his eldest brother. No matter what Austin finally decided, it didn’t change what he would do. Jackson would have a life with Jessie.

He looked at his other three brothers. Dallas had not stopped pacing in a circle since Jessie had left. Phoenix stood by the window, looking out, as if he could see all the way to Austin’s house. He couldn’t, of course. And Denver had kept giving the countdown. His other three brothers had made it clear they desired the same kind of life with Jessie that their dads had chosen with their mother. Austin’s denial of their family way would crush all of them, including Jessie. But in time, they would all heal. Together.

Denver’s cell went off. “It’s the sheriff.”

Dallas stopped pacing, and Phoenix turned from the window. Jackson expected to hear that Paul King had been arrested. The motherfucker better hope to be sent away for life. If the asshole came within an inch of Jessie ever again, his next job would be pushing up daisies from his dirt bed.

“Hello, Sheriff.” Denver’s face darkened as he listened to the man on the other end of the call. Jackson knew whatever he was learning couldn’t be good. Denver continued, “Got it. She’s at Austin’s, and we’re headed there now.” He clicked the phone off.

“Did they find Paul King?” Dallas asked.

“He’s dead, but he wasn’t the real killer.” Denver violently punched some numbers on his phone. “No answer at Austin’s.”

“Fuck!” Phoenix yelled.

Dallas’s hands curled into fists. He spoke through gritted teeth. “Try your cell, Denver? You gave it to Jessie, remember?”