“Your tone just earned you the bite of my whip later.” His demeanor returned to the hard edge that had awakened so much inside her.

As if on cue from his voice, heat rolled through her pussy. But she bit her lip, willing her desire to calm. She needed to stay composed right now.

Austin hadn’t been much of a conversationalist, except when instructing her on the ways of BDSM. What can I say to reach him? Jessie recalled one of the best bits of advice she’d received long ago from her cousin, Christy.

“Jessie, you don’t have all the facts about your dad and why he’s so different since your mom died. Once you do, everything will change. You’ll see.”

The same was true here. Jessie needed more facts. Perhaps the way to get out of this mess was to push him to confess the truth of what was holding him back from joining his brothers and her in a plural relationship. She’d learned early that he wasn’t the kind of guy who cared for being nudged, no matter how gentle. She wouldn’t let that stop her. This was now or never. If she could get to the reasons for his refusal, she might be able to turn him around.

She choked out, “I trust you on so many things but not this. Not until I know why you would ask me to reject your brothers after all they’ve done for me. Do you actually hate them?”

His hands left her shoulders, and he turned away, keeping his face from her view. After a bit, he spoke in a low tone, “No. I don’t hate them, pet.”

“Then why?”

Austin turned back to her and stroked her hair. “You’re something, sweetheart. That’s for sure.”

“Talk to me. I know it’s hard for you to open up, but I have to know.” Anxiety and frustration twisted together inside her. “Please, Master.”

He didn’t speak but gazed at her with an intensity that nearly undid her. She knew if she prodded now, he would shut her out and not reply. So she waited.

Time ticked on, but still he didn’t say a word. She prayed he would answer soon, before the others appeared.

Suddenly, Austin swept her up in his arms, causing her to gasp and shudder.

“If you want answers from me, you have to earn them,” he said forcefully. “Besides, you need to be punished for your brattiness.”

She guessed he was doing this as a last ditch effort to compel her to choose him and not his brothers.

Austin Wilde, you don’t know how stubborn I can be when it’s for something worth fighting for, but you’re about to find out.

“Bring it on, Master.”

Chapter Two

Austin loved the feel of Jessie in his arms.

His brothers believed that they would be able to deal with him in a plural marriage with one woman. They imagined that Jessie could be the glue to keep them all together. But he knew better. In no time at all, they would be asking him to go easy on her. Not possible for me. He didn’t have an ounce of softness inside him.

“Sub, I’m going to lower you to the ground on top of my jeans. Do not move. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Master.” She blinked, and her cheeks reddened.

Fucking perfect!

Besides, he knew this firebrand female needed a very firm hand. Hell, she craved it. She was perfect for him, and he would be perfect for her. Now, he had to convince her to make the right choice. In time, his brothers might understand, though he would never know. The best thing to do once Jessie did fully submit was to leave Wilde forever. It had always been his plan, although until recently, he’d thought he would be alone.

He’d considered taking her to his dungeon but had decided against it. The way she’d kept looking toward the tree let him know his brothers were likely going to show up soon. No time like the present to get her on her knees in front of him. But he’d not brought any restraints or toys with him when he’d come to the tree to cut it down. Time to improvise.

He sat the tiny bundle of beauty down on his discarded jeans. He grabbed his shirt and started ripping it into strips. “These will be your restraints, pet.”

She chewed on her trembling lips, causing his balls to load up. Obviously, she was a nervous wreck. He needed to get her out of her head more than any time before. This time would be quite the tightrope to walk, pushing her to the very edge without her invoking her safe word. Austin’s gut clenched as he recalled what he’d done at Denver’s house. He’d ignored his vow to her. HInstead, he’d put his collar around her neck and was deaf to her cries.

“Master, is something wrong?”

Fuck! His ruminations had frozen him like a statue. He held the remains of his shirt, now long strips of fabric, in his hands. “Not at all, pet. I’m just deciding on what punishment to inflict on your sweet little body. Let’s get you tied up, sweetheart. Stand up.”

It didn’t surprise him one bit that she obeyed him, immediately jumping to her feet. Still, the worry in her eyes concerned him. A ton of worry showed there.