A little quiet gasp slipped past her lips, knowing the phone was her last way to contact the outside world.

Austin turned to her. “Almost time to go.”

Jessie started to complain about the cell, but kept silent about it. Instead, she asked, “Where?”

He slammed his fist on the desk, startling her. “You don’t get to ask questions unless I give you permission. I tell you what’s going to happen, and you make the choice to proceed or use your safe word. That’s the way this works. Do you understand?”

Suddenly mute, she nodded.

“Good. I need to cover a few things with you before we leave this room. First, I know why you’re here, pet.”

Does he? Really? She wasn’t sure herself.

“Let’s see if you’re really up for the challenge, shall we?”

She squeaked, “Yes, Sir.” Though her cheeks burned from embarrassment, Jessie was glad she’d found her voice.

Austin raised an eyebrow. “You think you know a thing or two about being a sub because my brothers trained you?”

“Yes, Sir.”

He shook his head. “Drop the Sir.”

That confused her. “What shall I call you? Austin?”

His fist came down again on the desk a bit harder than the earlier. A shiver shot down her spine.

“I didn’t give you permission to ask a question.” His voice was controlled and even. Not an ounce of anger or frustration shook it. “When you address me, you will call me Master. Do you understand, pet?”

The terms that he’d chosen for himself and for her should’ve been off-putting. Strangely, they weren’t. Instead, his fit him perfectly. Hers seemed right to her, too. “Yes, Master.”

Chapter Two

Jessie sat on the sofa with her hands folded in her lap, looking good enough to eat—which was exactly what Austin planned on doing very shortly. He handed the bag back to her, thinking about the thin ice he was treading upon.

Ever since meeting Wilde’s little invader, he’d reluctantly worked hard to steer clear of her. That was no longer an option for him. Instead, he would be spending seven days and nights alone with her. The risks were obvious to him. Yet he would see this through to an end not of Jessie’s and his brothers’ making, but of his own.

“So, you think you are up for my ways, pet?”

She placed the purse in her lap. “I hope so, Master.”

Hearing Master fall from Jessie’s lush lips caused his cock to harden. He should’ve busted his brothers’ lovesick butts weeks ago, but he couldn’t blame them for falling for her. He cupped her chin and inhaled her scent of jasmine and honey, which drove him mad with lust. “I guess we’re both going to find out soon enough. What is your safe word?”

She chewed on her lower lip like a scared girl, which looked so fucking sexy he thought about stripping her right then.

No. I’ve got to stick to my plan. “I don’t like to wait for an answer.”

“I’m sorry, but I haven’t said it aloud since…well, since Dallas tricked me into his truck.”

“My brother is such a wannabe.” Austin thought Dallas had potential as a Dom, but he needed a lot more training. “Pet, saying your safe word now isn’t the same as you using it later. If you ever invoke it, I will stop everything that instant. But right now I don’t know what it is. If I am going to honor it, I’ve got to know the word you’ve selected. Tell me what you’ve chosen.”

“Yes, Master. My word is Alaska.”

“Good selection.”

Actually, it was a perfect choice with its images of frozen glaciers and wilderness devoid of humanity. Other subs had given him ambiguous picks for a safe word like sugar, stop, no, and one foolish woman had actually offered up fire. He’d dismissed them all until the subs made a choice that would work. With Jessie, she instinctively selected the most fitting word.

He wondered what other surprises he’d discover from her in the next seven days. “Close your eyes.”