He held a glass up to her lips, and she swallowed the cool water.

“Good girl.” The blindfold came back down, and soon she heard the drum roll again.

Another boom and the Nine’s claws hit her thighs. No longer fully in her body, her mind drifted in a euphoric place in a secret corner of Master’s making. Boom. She imagined the stings were kisses from his lips. She dreamed about the slippery future she wanted with him and his brothers. Another drum roll. Boom. The crashes against her body felt far away. Could Master love her? Ever?

“Jessie, you with me?” His voice was firm but tender.

“Yes, Master.” Her legs were shaky, her arms were aching, and her ass and back burned. But all she could focus on was the convulsing in her pussy and the throbbing of her clit.

“Don’t forget your safe word, pet.”

“I won’t.” “Alaska” was her word, but she didn’t need it, and that filled her up with pride.

“Just say the word, and this ends.” Why did he say that? Was he testing her limits?

“No, Master. I’m okay.”

She felt him thread his hands through her hair, and then he tugged, jerking her head just a bit. “More than okay, pet.” She felt his hot breath on her neck. “Much more. You want this like mad, don’t you?”

She nodded.

He touched her mound, and a jolt of hotness shot through her. “You’re absolutely soaked, pet. That pleases me.”

“Thank you, Master.” Did he really mean it? Could she actually win him over by submitting fully to him and his ways?

Chapter Five

Jessie’s breathing turned shallow and quick. Her skin heated. Though she couldn’t see Austin, she could feel the weight of his body against her backside. He’d shed his clothes, and his dick pressed against her ass.

“You want me inside you, pet?”

“Yes, Master. I do.” Her voice didn’t falter, though cravings tore at her womb.

“You need to answer my question then.” He reached around and pinched her nipples. A delicious burn stung them.

“What question, Master?”

“Tell me what was troubling you in the kitchen.”

Unable to hold back any longer, she confessed. The words spilled out of her like a waterfall. “I’m terrified you don’t find me attractive, and that you’re only spending time with me to indulge your brothers. You didn’t even try to fuck me last night. If you don’t find me sexy, I understand. I’m no model. I’m just average. My heart is breaking, Austin, but I can’t come between brothers. I won’t.”

“You’re silly, pet. If you wonder whether or not I find you desirable or not, try this on for size.” His dick came up and slid between her ass’s cheeks. It was long and very hard. “Believe me, you’re anything but average. I love your tits.” His hands cupped her breasts. “Your curves knock me out.” She felt his hands drift down her sides slowly. “Your sweet, little pussy is like a magnet to me.” His fingers reached around her hips and walked through her wet creases.

Every one of his touches created sensations inside her, causing her breathing to race and her body to heat. “You do want to be inside me, Master?”

“Yes, pet. I do.” The truth of his hunger for her was evident by his tone.

Still she wondered how deep his desire went for her? Was it enough to last the week? What about a lifetime?

She felt Austin’s weight come off her. “You tensed up? Why? Don’t hold back, pet.”

“I–I…am afraid…you only want to fuck me now. After this, you may not want to do it again.”

“That’s the truth about what you were thinking. Good girl.” He stroked her hair. “Don’t worry, pet. I will be inside you as much as I can the next seven days. There’s no stopping me, I promise. Trust me with your pleasure. Okay?”

“Yes, Master.” If she couldn’t have forever, at least she would have a week with the sexy Dom. Her cravings for him screamed loud in her mind and body.

Austin’s lips kissed her lower back, and she felt him apply lube to her ass. His finger pierced through the tightness, and he stretched her out. “Pet, listen to me. Last night, you came without my permission. Follow my commands, and you will reach an orgasm this morning that will blow your mind. But you cannot come until I say. Understand?”