Jessie obeyed. “Yes, Master.” She was flawless perfection.

Why the hell would anyone want to murder her? Still, she’d been in the crosshairs of a lunatic since coming to Wilde. Austin had tried but failed to uncover the culprit behind the three attempts on her life. He should’ve guessed Paul King was behind everything. The man had been angry ever since Austin had written him up for being late and for insubordination.

King had been at the top of his list of suspects for some time, but there were things that hadn’t added up. Still didn’t, but that would get straightened out soon enough once the sheriff captured the prick. After that happened, Austin would be sure to make a visit to Paul King’s cell, delivering his own brand of justice to the asshole. If pounding the guy’s head into the floor landed him in jail, so be it.

Serving time might be the best way to get free from Wilde, and from the trance-inducing Jessie. Everything about her begged him to action and to take possession. Her body was curvy with full, soft hips that called to him like a bullhorn. If her beautiful shape, sexy lips, fair skin, and auburn hair had been all he had to deal with, then he might’ve found a way to resist. But it wasn’t all he had to deal with. Not by a long shot. Her foolish bravery coupled with her soft femininity ignited his Dom nature to a full blaze. And the way her eyes sparkled when he gave her a command…


Austin couldn’t comprehend the new urges inside him that burned like a furnace. Didn’t matter. He had a plan to execute, and by God, he was going to do it.

He put his hat on and held his hand out for her to take.

Clinging to her bag with her left hand, she leapt from the sofa, and placed her other tiny hand in his. The moment he felt the softness of her slender fingers, his dick hardened. He’d enjoyed dominating his fair share of women before, but none compelled him like Jessie. His brothers would never fully understand his upcoming actions, but a future for them with the woman of their dreams would be ensured if, and only if, he followed through with his plan.

Austin already had an idea about Jessie’s hard limits. Soon, he’d know them for certain and much more. “Do not speak to anyone as we leave the club. Stay focused on me alone. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Master.”

Her voice was laced with delicious submission. Her quivering mouth was so inviting, but he knew he must resist.

He had no doubt her kiss would be spellbinding, preventing him from doing what he must. Regretfully, he silently vowed that there would be no tasting her sweet lips. Still, she had other candy-coated treasures he could enjoy.

“Let’s go.” He pulled her tight into his side and draped his arm around her small shoulders. Imagining how gorgeous she would look naked, restrained, and spread-eagled sent a charge of primal heat to his dick.

Jessie’s body melded into his. He walked her out of his office, and found his brothers were gone. He looked down at her and saw the disappointment he expected.

Fools. They should’ve waited. How could they not know that she’d want one last glimpse of them before starting her sentence they’d pushed her to? He knew the answer. They hoped he would become part of the new family they were creating. He loved them for it, but it also troubled him.

He’d made it very clear for years that he would not take part in a typical Wilde family marriage. His brothers, mother, and even fathers had asked the reason, but he’d never answered them. Did he even fully know himself? He knew some, but not all. Didn’t care to know more. He understood quite a bit about the subconscious and how it worked. To be a good Dom, one had to know. Still, digging into his own subconscious depths wasn’t something he was interested in. Ever.

As Austin walked Jessie through the main chamber, several members he’d shared women with ogled her. Though it pissed him off, he didn’t acknowledge them, but kept moving forward. They likely were mystified by his angry departure. He didn’t give a damn, or bother to stop to tell them.

In a flash, he and Jessie were out of the club and at his truck. He opened the driver’s door, and lifted his new prisoner up in his arms and then moved her into the cab.

He gazed into her eyes, which showed confusion and uneasiness. “What are you worried about?”

“Am I driving, Master?” she asked.

He had to fight his lips from curving up into a smile. This woman was like no other. “No, pet. Slide over just a bit. I want you next to me.”

Jessie nodded, and moved to the middle of the bench seat. She had a sassy side, but that was more of a performance than anything else. Clearly, she wanted to please. That was her true nature.

“Put the middle seat belt around your lap. I want you safe.”

She grinned. “Yes, Sir.”

Her temperament was exactly what had gotten her into trouble. She could be quite stubborn. Even though Austin knew she was incredibly smart, she’d been foolish to stay in Wilde with the danger surrounding her. Though all reports indicated Paul King was likely in another state by now, still, the best path for her obviously should’ve been to get out of town—and fast. The moment Austin had seen her in the club’s public shower playing with her lush breasts, everything turned red hot inside him—part lust and part rage. His brothers should’ve been smarter than to take her to such a public place.

Jessie leaned into him as he started the truck’s engine. Instantly his desire to open her up for his pleasure thundered inside him.

Not good. Not good at all.

* * * *

Much more than a touch of trepidation rolled all over Jessie. Just sitting next to Austin had her heart pounding and her skin buzzing. I’m actually doing this? Yes. No turning back now.

She’d convinced herself to attempt the crazy act for the four men she’d fallen in love with—Austin’s brothers. As they passed Carlotta’s, Jessie wondered if this had been a mistake.