Dallas nodded.

“Guys, I know what I’m doing. Didn’t you hear Austin?” She fingered the new collar he’d given her. Wearing it in public was very possible, as it looked beautiful with it single diamond drop hanging from the tiny ring in the front. “He said he loved me and that he’s crazy for me. We have a chance. Isn’t this what we all wanted?”

“He blew it.” Dallas’s face darkened. “That ship has sailed.”

“No. He hasn’t blown it.”

Denver nodded. “Fine. If you want to chase after him, then we’re going with you.”

“That won’t work with him. Guys, he’s hurting. Couldn’t you see that? If you show up with me, he’ll shut down. I have to go alone.”

Jackson shook his head. “Not happening.”

“Then let’s see if you honor this. Alaska.” She prayed they would.

Denver’s eyebrows shot up. “Jessie? That’s not how it works.”

“You cowboys want forever with me, right?”

He answered, “Of course we do.”

“Then trust me. We have a chance at forever here. All our dreams might just come true. You say I’m important to you. Please, honor my safe word.”

Dallas stated, “Your safety is too important to us to do that.”

Denver gazed at her. Then he turned to his brothers. “I don’t like it, but she’s right.”

“Bullshit.” Dallas angrily turned to Denver.

“You really think she’s right, Denver?” Jackson frowned.

“Yep. Have any of us ever seen Austin act like that?”

“No.” Phoenix rubbed his chin.

/> “Exactly. This firecracker did what no one really thought possible. She really got to our big brother.” Denver handed his cell to her. “Take this. We’ll give you a half hour.”

Thankful for his phone, she grinned. “Give me until morning.”

Dallas looked at the clock on the wall. “It’s 9:00 p.m. now. No way.”

“Guys, I’m begging you. A half hour isn’t enough time to get through to him. It took me all week for him to give me his first confession.”

Phoenix grinned. “What are we going to do with you, Jessie?”

“We’re going to love her for the rest of our lives, that’s what.” Denver stepped next to her and pulled her in tight. “Midnight. That’s it. No more.”


Denver kissed her, and she felt courage flood into her very being. “Shh. You won the battle, little soldier. Now, go win the war.”

* * * *

Jessie didn’t find Austin in his house. Had he left Wilde without saying good-bye? She closed her eyes, fighting back the crushing dread. She needed to think. Where could he be? Sneaky Pete’s Casino? Carlotta’s? The Horseshoe? The Masters’ Chambers? She ran through every place she could think of, and none of them seemed right. She held back her tears, wondering if he was already out of the state and beyond her reach.

Could he be at his tree?

She ran out the back door. The full moon’s light illuminated the top of the hill. Sure enough, Austin was next to his tree. As she sprinted up the hill, she saw what was in his hands and panic set in.