“What were they really like?” She took a sip of her coffee.

“They were great. The best brothers a man could have.”

“They’re still wonderful.” So, it wasn’t his brothers that kept him from being in a plural marriage. Logically, that left only one person to blame. Me. The thought flattened her out. Was this week with Austin an act of futility?

“What’s wrong, pet?” he asked, drying his hands.

“Nothing,” she lied.

In a flash, he stepped next to her blanket and glared down at her. He didn’t say a word, but his face spoke volumes.

“Sorry, Master. It’s just…I…don’t know.”

“Give me your cup.”

Trembling, she said, “Yes, Master.”

She handed him the half-full mug. He placed it on the counter behind him.

He ordered, “Now, stand up.”

With her heart picking up speed, Jessie obeyed.

He flicked the ring on her collar. “You feel this collar around your tiny neck?”

“Yes, Master.”

“It means I’m in control, not you. You understand that?” His tone stung her.

She squeaked, “I do.”

“I will not tolerate lies.”

Nodding, she looked down at her feet.

She felt him cup her chin, nudging her to look at him.

“Tell me, sub.”

“It’s hard to say.” Her lips trembled. She was afraid to confess her deepest insecurities. Sure, his brothers overlooked her curves, but what if he liked the model type? Or worse, what if it was something about her personality that put him off? She couldn’t bear hearing that from him. Best to not know how he felt about her, even if she did have a pretty good suspicion.

“Denver thinks he trained you to be a good sub? Let me show you what real training is.”

He linked his index finger to the ring in her collar and led her back to the dungeon.

“I’m sorry, Master.”

“I know. You’re blocked and holding back. I’ll fix that. I promise.” He sounded so matter of fact, so certain—so in control.

When they got into his dungeon, Jessie realized he’d changed things around. The table he’d restrained her upon last night was no longer in the center of the room. In its place was a strange looking piece of furniture. The seven-foot-high upright triangle intimidated Jessie right off. The wood was smooth. There were a couple of boards that crisscrossed the frame on the lower half. It almost looked like art to her. At the top point were two wrist cuffs, and an ankle cuff decorated each of the bottom points.

“This is my A-frame, pe

t. I think you’re going to like what I’ve planned for our first session today.”

First session? How many did he have in mind?

In a flash, Master pulled her to the triangle. He put his hand on her back and pushed her forward until everything below her waist pressed against the boards. Nerves popped to life inside her, and a tingle began deep in her pussy. The top support board hit her just below the belly button, leaving her upper body open to the back. Next, he lifted her hands up and placed them together in the cuffs above her head. He spread her legs wide and attached them to the bottom points of his A-frame. The stance was uncomfortable, but not unbearable. She wondered if she could endure whatever it was Austin meant to do to her? Her safe word floated to the surface, but she vowed not to use it. She wanted to surprise him by what she could take. Perhaps doing so might change his mind about her. God, I hope so.