The seductive, intimidating man pointed to one of the benches. “Please, have a seat.”

Jessie wanted to get a read on Austin, but it wasn’t clear to her what the man was thinking. The only clue to his possible anger toward Phoenix bringing her unannounced was the glare he shot his younger brother.

Remaining standing, she held out her hand. “Thank you, Mr. Wilde. I’ve been looking forward to meeting you.”

He took her hand and brought it up to his lips. “Ms. Greene, the pleasure is mine.” He kissed the back of her hand, and a spark shot through her, flattening her out. He released her hand and turned to Phoenix. “I need you in the B-shaft. I’ll take care of Ms. Greene.”

Phoenix looked like he was going to protest but then didn’t. “Jessie, just tell Selby when you’re ready to leave. She’ll reach me on the com, and I’ll be back in a flash to take you back to your hotel.”

“No need.” Austin set his papers neatly on the bench next to him. “I’ll have a driver take her.”

Phoenix frowned. “Austin, I’m taking her. Understand?”

The older Wilde brother’s eyebrow shot up. At first, Jessie thought he might punch Phoenix, but he didn’t. “All right, bro.”

“Perfect. Don’t keep her too long. See you later, Jessie.”

After Phoenix left, Jessie felt strangely uncomfortable. She wished that she’d asked him to stay.

Austin Wilde stared at her, causing butterflies to take flight in her belly. The man had a presence that was thick in the room—and unnerving. How long they remained without saying a word to one another, she wasn’t sure. But the silence was deafening. Was this some kind of challenge? Well, she wasn’t about to play games. She was proud of how well she’d proved herself at her job. Besides being the youngest analyst, she was one of only two female special investigators at the agency. The backwoods cowboy’s intimidation tactics needed to be dealt with right away.

“Mr. Wilde, I think we better set the ground rules.”

He stood up and placed his large hands on her shoulders. Jessie felt electricity shoot down her arms and body from his warm touch. What the hell? She stood up.

“Have a seat.”

“Excuse me? You want to have our first meeting here? Wouldn’t your office be more suited for that?”

“Sit down!”

Austin Wilde’s tone was more forceful and sexy than she’d ever heard from any other man before in her life. She swallowed and fell back into the chair, unable to refuse.

He looked at her like a scientist studying a specimen. After a long pause, he spoke. “Interesting.”

Shaking, she said, “I–I’m not sure this is the way we should get started.”

“I think this is exactly how we should get started, Ms. Greene.” Austin unabashedly ogled her body.

What is it about these Wilde brothers and their wicked stares? When he finished, his gaze moved to her eyes, holding her like a vise. “You may not believe this, but like you, I want to discover the facts of these accidents.”

A shiver rolled down her spine. “I sure hope that is true, Mr. Wilde…or shall I call you Austin?”

“Mr. Wilde is fine, Jessie.”

She was blowing it. He was making her understand that he was in the driver’s seat, not her. That was exactly what she didn’t want or need. But the more he talked with his demanding tone, the more he leered at her with those sexy dark eyes, the more nervous she became. Not good at all. If she was going to have half a chance of succeeding with her investigation, she needed to get a grip on herself. She had a job to do, damn it.

“I think I’d rather call you Austin.”

“Suit yourself, Ms. Greene.”

So that was how he was going to play it. Fine. “So you say that you really want to get to the truth of all these accidents?”

He nodded.

“I find that hard to believe. Especially given how much you have been avoiding me.”

“I’m a busy man. I have a full schedule. I understand why you would think coming unannounced would help you uncover something in your investigation. You must also understand that since I was unaware of your arrival. I could not drop everything to babysit you.”