“Come for me, Jessie. Let me feel your orgasm around my dick.” His pounding went into overdrive.

“Y-Yes!” she cried aloud. Fresh tears rolled out her eyes as her climax spread deep inside her, through her...all around her.

Phoenix closed his eyes as his body tensed. “Fuck yes!” She could feel him jerk suddenly as he came.

Her body shivered uncontrollably, brought on by what he’d given her—an amazing orgasm. He rolled to her side, and then she felt his arms wrap around her. She felt her breathing soften as he continued to spoon her.

Several minutes passed without either of them saying anything. Then Phoenix whispered, “You’re incredible, Jessie.”

His words melted her like butter.

* * * *

Jessie looked over at Phoenix. He was stretched out fast asleep next to her.

She cleared her throat. “Phoenix, wake up.”

He opened his eyes and stretched. “What’s up?”

“I think we better get to the mine.”

“You sure you don’t want to play some more?” Phoenix looked at her with a wicked grin.

As tempting as it was, she was ready to face Austin Wilde, the elusive brother. “Let’s get going.”

“Okay.” He yawned. “Always thinking about business, aren’t you?”

Jessie nodded.

Phoenix jumped out of the bed. His naked frame would make any woman drool. This was one helluva sexy man. But she needed to get back to work and back to the investigation.

“You want to take a shower, angel?” he asked.

“You never give up, do you?”

“No. But seriously, would you like one? I know I sure would.”

“Yes, but I’ll go after you. I want to check my messages. Make it fast.”

Phoenix nodded then walked into the bathroom, leaving the door wide open. He turned back to her. “If you want to be environmentally friendly, we could save some water.”

“Just hurry up, cowboy.”

His smile made her warm and fuzzy inside.

After she heard the shower start, she located her phone by her clothes and briefcase that he’d stripped her of earlier. She looked at her cell and found that she’d missed two calls from her father. She’d been avoiding him since her birthday. Another five missed calls from her ex-fiancé, Michael. Two more from his new boyfriend. God, was that what her life was like back east? Yes. That was exactly how it was. Spending time in Wilde had opened her eyes to a lot of things. When she got back, things were going to be different. She’d finally tell her father the truth about what had happened between her and Michael. His disapproval was something she’d come to expect. Why run from it now? Face it head-on. Also, she couldn’t wait to show Michael how confident she’d become.

But had she really changed? She’d just slept with another Wilde brother. Yesterday, she would’ve sworn that Jackson was the man she wanted to spend time with in Wilde, to get to know better. Now, she couldn’t deny the feeling welling up for Phoenix. Insane? Oh, yes. I’m totally nuts.

She dialed her father. Best to get it over with.

“This is Sam Greene, but I’m not available at this time. Please...”

Thank God. Voice mail.

When his message ended, she said, “Hi, Dad. I’m sorry I didn’t get a chance to come over for Sunday dinner before I left. I’m sure Velma made something amazing.” Jessie’s mouth watered, remembering how delicious her father’s personal chef could make food taste. “Like I mentioned in my e-mail, I’m in Nevada on a big investigation for the agency. Not sure when I’ll have it wrapped up. Another week or two, for sure. I’ll call you when I get back.”

The urge to conclude with I love you at the end of a cell conversation had weakened over the years. Her dad was stern and serious. His law firm had become his surrogate family after her mother died. Though it pained her, Jessie had felt like an obligation to him more than a daughter for some time. It hadn’t always been that way.