A wife had to trust her husband, and in her case—husbands. Before meeting the Wilde brothers, she hadn’t even imagined such a thing was even possible. Legally, she was married to Jack, but in every other way that counted, she was married to all three of them. She loved Jack’s take-charge demeanor, Will’s playful way, and Tom’s serious side. And there was more about the men who had captured all her heart that she loved. They were kind, fun, caring, protective, and yes, very possessive. A month was short, but it had been long enough for her to fall head over heels for them.

She took off her high heels and slipped off her dress. Then she removed her hose and garter belt, looking back at the door with no lock. Trembles shook her as she realized there were three men just on the other side of that wooden door while she was standing on this side wearing only a slip, bra, and panties.

Looking at the assortment of lotions and perfumes, she spotted her favorite fragrance—jasmine. She grabbed the bottle and put a few drops of the perfume into the warm water. The sweet fragrance wafted up in the steam, calming her nerves just a bit, knowing her husbands had told her in San Francisco how much they loved the scent.

Removing her undergarments, she tested the water with her toes. It was the perfect temperature. Then she lowered herself into the tub. The liquid warmth felt so good on her skin, but she continued to shiver. How can I still be trembling in this hot water? Because I’m really nervous, that’s why.

She needed to get ahold of herself. She didn’t want to disappoint her new husbands. She loved them, but had never been naked in front of any man before. She glanced over at the silky negligee, and smiled, thankful Ida had bought it for her.

Again, she looked at the door, wondering what she would do if they suddenly came in. As a silly act of protection, she sunk down all the way below the water’s surface until even the top of her head was submerged. She smiled at how ridiculous she was being, and came up from the water.

She took the sponge, and started bathing.

A knock on the door startled her, and she slipped back down in the water to her chin. Her heart came alive in her chest, pounding hard and fast.

“Carol, do you need anything?” Will’s voice came from the other side of the door.

“I’m fine. I’m just not ready yet. You’re not coming in, are you?” Her voice sounded higher than normal to Carol.

“No, darling. Just checking on you. Take your time.”

“Thank you.” She listened intently to his retreating footsteps. Then she sighed.

After she was done bathing, she thought about getting out of the warm water and finishing getting ready, but then she decided to allow herself the pleasure of a short soak. Closing her eyes, she slipped back down into the water. Submerging the sponge below the surface, she pulled it out and squeezed the water onto her body, imagining what it would feel like to have her men’s hands touching her naked skin. She was filled with excitement but still terrified at what was to come.

She got out of the tub, knowing it was time to get over her fears and enjoy the evening with her husbands. Grabbing up one of the plush towels, she dried herself off slowly.

“Stop stalling, Carol,” she said to herself. “Get on with it.”

Quickly she grabbed the lotion and rubbed it onto her skin.

Another knock and she jumped. “Yes?” She took the negligee and held it in front of her naked body. “Who is it?”

Will laughed. “One of your husbands, of course. I brought you a glass of wine, sweetheart.”

She took a deep breath and cracked open the door just wide enough for her hand to grab the wine from him. Pulling it in, she shut the door. “Thank you, Will.”

Without a thought, she downed the entire contents of the glass he’d brought her. The wine went down nice, warming her insides and calming her nerves.

Bolstering her courage, she slipped on the negligee. She took one of the brushes Ida had left for her and began brushing her hair, surprised at how dry it already was. How long have I been in here?

Gripping the side of the sink, she looked at her reflection in the mirror. Satisfied with what she saw, she took a really deep breath, held it, and then let it out slowly.

She opened the door, and came face-to-face with her three wonderful husbands in nothing but robes.

* * * *

Will’s jaw dropped at the sight of his bride standing in front of him and his two brothers. “My God, sweetheart, you look just like an angel.”

He leaned forward and feathered his lips across hers. Taking her hand, he led her to the sofa by the rock fireplace in the main room. Jack sat down on one side of her and Tom on the other, just as they’d planned while she was bathing.

Will poured her another glass of wine. “Drink this, baby. It’ll relax you.”

In a single gulp, Carol drank down half of it, before setting the glass down on the coffee table in front of her. “Thank you.”

Sliding the wine bottle and her glass to the side, Will sat down on the table facing her. Then he touched her calves tenderly, enjoying the silkiness of her legs.

He watched Jack kiss her neck and Tom stroke her hair. She closed her eyes and sighed. He could feel the tension going out of her legs as she relaxed, brought on by their joint caresses and the wine she’d consumed.