Dad Bill kissed Carol’s cheek. “The same goes for me, young lady.”

“I think you’ll handle them just fine, by the looks of you.” Dad Abe kissed her other cheek. “But we are only a hop, skip, and a jump from any of their houses.”

“Houses?” Carol asked.

“Yep. Our boys each built their own houses.” Dad Abe winked. “Your boys will do the same, and so will your grandsons.”

“Abe, hush up. Let the girl settle in to being married first before you start pressuring her for grandchildren.” His mother put her arm around Carol’s shoulder. “Come with me. I think we women need a moment alone.”

“Why?” Jack asked, not wanting to be away from his new bride a single second.

“Jack Wilde, you behave. I’ve finally gotten the daughter I always wanted. Let me have a few minutes with her. She might have some questions.” Without another word, his mom led Carol to the secret, holy place the gentler gender enjoyed away from their men—the ladies’ room.

* * * *

Carol faced the mirror in the ladies’ room of the Wilde Community Center. She looked at her reflection and was stunned by how beautiful the bridal gown that she wore was.

How had the Wilde brothers put together an extravagant wedding in such short notice? And who really cared? After a month of the brothers sweeping her off her feet, had she just landed on her ass?

Mrs. Wilde stood behind her, grinning. “Hun, how you holding up?”

She blurted out, “Is everyone in Wilde crazy?”

Her new mother-in-law tilted her head to one side. “What do you mean?”

“You have two husbands.”

The woman grinned. “And you have three.”

“I’m so confused. I thought I was marrying Jack.”

“Mmm. I’m sure there’s a story about why you thought that, but let’s delve into that later. First, do you love Jack?”


“And Tom?”

“I do,” she confessed.

“Finally, what about Will? You love him, too?”

“Of course, but that doesn’t change anything. What have I got myself into? I don’t have a clue how to handle this. This kind of thing just isn’t done.”

Mrs. Wilde hugged her and whispered softly. “It is in Wilde. A woman can have it all. Lucky for you, child, you have three men that adore you.”

Unable to hold back her emotions, Carol felt tears stream down her cheeks. “But I’m still a virgin.”

“Sweet girl, you’re just nervous.” Mrs. Wilde nodded. “I understand now. You really are the daughter I always wanted. I know my boys, and they love you. I can see it in their eyes every time they look at you. They will be tender with you, trust me. You have nothing to fear, Carol.”

* * * *

Jack watched his mother and his new wife come out of the ladies’ room together. They were holding each other and smiling, which pleased him but also worried him a bit.

His brothers were standing next to him by the gift table. Most folks were leaving since this was the middle of the week and many of the husbands would be headed down the mine at seven in the morning.

“What do you think they were talking about alone?” Will asked.

Tom patted Jack and Will on the back. “I bet we’re about to find out. Look at Mom. She’s staring at us.”