She raked her nails on his shoulders.

Totally spent, she melted into his body. As her three new husbands helped her back into bed, she sighed with contentment before drifting off to sleep.

* * * *

The dew sparkled on the trees like little diamonds, and birds sang from every branch. The mountains off in the distance looked so majestic. Northern Nevada was quite beautiful. Living here was going to be wonderful.

Enjoying the gorgeous morning, Carol sat on the back porch sipping the fresh cup of coffee Jack had just poured her.

Tom sat by her. Though he was reading the newspaper, he also held her hand.

Jack sat on the other side of her, sipping his own cup of coffee. His eyes never left her, which made her smile.

“Maybe you should take a picture, Jack. It’ll last longer.”

“Sweetheart, I plan on taking lots of pictures of you. Hell, I might even take up painting. Here you are, right in front of me—perfection.”

Even though she loved hearing him say that, she replied, “I’m absolutely not, and you will soon see that fact after I’ve been around longer.”

“We could argue about this all day. You’re never going to change my mind, honey.”

She shook her head and smiled.

Will came out of the cabin, balancing several plates of hot waffles. The aroma of the breakfast he’d made for all of them was wonderful.

“Darling, I hope you enjoy this,” Will said, placing Carol’s plate in front of her on the table and handing her a fork.

“If the mouthwatering smell is any indication, I’m sure I am going to love it.” She looked down at the simple white plate, filled with a golden-brown waffle covered in maple syrup and a generous amount of fresh butter. Two crispy strips of thick bacon sat on the rim of the dish. The breakfast he’d whipped up for her was ideal.

Tom put down the newspaper, and took his plate. Jack set his cup down and took his. Will sat across from her, and they all began to eat.

Will’s food was just as good as she thought it would be.

After they finished the meal, Jack poured them all more coffee.

“Honey, Mom told us you were confused about the wedding.” Jack rubbed her back. “Didn’t we make it clear to you in San Francisco?”

“You probably did, Jack, but I was battling a sinus infection. My ears were stopped up. I got a shot before we went out that night, but it didn’t really kick in fully until the next morning. I knew you were asking me to marry you, but after that things got real fuzzy. When I think back, I now realize that Tom and Will were asking me, too.”

He leaned in and kissed her. “I’m sorry, honey. We didn’t know.”

Tom stroked her hair. “Are you okay with being married to me, too?”

“And me?” Will asked, also, taking both her hands in his and squeezing them gently.

“More than okay. I fell in love with all three of you in San Francisco, but I thought I would have to choose. I never knew this kind of family existed. I didn’t know a woman could fall in love with more than one man. Your mom helped me understand a woman’s heart. There is room for more than one love. I’m so glad I didn’t have to choose, but I do have some questions for you.”

“Ask away, doll,” Will said.

“First, what about children?”

Jack answered, “Of course, we want children, honey. We’d love to have a houseful.”

She shook her head. “No. That’s not what I mean. Last night was amazing. I never dreamed it would be like that. But I could be pregnant. How will I know who the father is?”

Tom spoke first. “God, I hope you are, baby. And if you are, that child would have three fathers in all of us.”

Made sense to her, and also took away any worry inside her.