“Hey, there’s a bit of a chill in the air tonight.” Will put his arm around her shoulders. “We need to get our lovely bride a robe before we take her outside.”

Tom grinned. “There’s only one robe that I can think of that will fit her.”

“I bet you’re right, Tom.” Will laughed. “Jack, you still have that robe Mom made for you?”

Jack shook his head. “How would I know? I’ve been in Korea for a year.”

“Now, I’m curious,” she said, noticing the mischievous smirks from Tom and Will and Jack’s obvious unease on the topic of the mysterious robe.

“Best to show you first, baby. I know right where it is.” Tom walked out of the bathroom.

“Jack, tell me about this robe of yours?” she asked.

His eyebrows shot up. “Honey, you’ve got to understand that I was just a kid. Will and Tom love picking on me since I’m the youngest of the three of us.”

Will snorted, “Mom always loved spoiling him, honey. Besides, you never got rid of it, Jack, did you?”

Tom was back holding Jack’s boyhood robe in his left hand. At first, Carol didn’t see what the hubbub was all about. “What’s that sewed onto the shoulders?”

Will and Tom burst into laughter. Then Tom turned the robe around. Carol giggled at the sight of the red cape with the gold capital “S” attached to the white robe.

Jack just stood there, shaking his head.

“Come on, brother. Say it for us,” Tom teased. “Faster than a…what?”

Will added, “More powerful than a—”

“Shut up, guys,” Jack said with a chuckle. “Just put it on Carol and let’s get her some food.”

Tom placed the robe around her and picked her up into his arms.

“If you guys keep carrying me around everywhere, I’m going to forget how to walk. After all, with this robe, I bet I can fly to the porch.”

They all laughed as Tom led the way to the back of the cabin with her in his arms. Once they were out on the back porch, Tom sat her down in one of the wooden chairs. The goodies Jack had put together were delicious.

The cup of tea Jack brought tasted wonderful, and it warmed her insides.

She and her three husbands sat in silence for a bit, enjoying each other’s presence and the world around them.

She gazed up into the cloudless night sky filled with millions of stars. When a bright streak shot across the blackness, she gasped. Pointing, she said, “Look, a falling star.”

“Hurry up, sweetheart. Make a wish.” Jack took her hand and squeezed.

She hadn’t seen such beauty in the sky since seeing the northern lights one early-spring night during her childhood in Maine. Closing her eyes, she made her wish.

“What did you wish for, baby?” Tom asked.

She shook her head. “If I told you, that would ruin the magic.”

“So that’s how you’re going to play this.” His mouth curved up into a wicked grin. “Well, I think it’s time to show you a little more magic, sweetheart.” Then he lifted her back up into his arms once more.

She hoped they were going to make love to her again. She’d never expected her own body could experience such glorious feelings. She wanted to learn more and more about the bedroom, both for her own pleasure and for the pleasure of her husbands.

Tom carried her back into the bedroom. Jack had remade the bed and it looked so inviting to her.

Gently, To

m lowered her facedown onto the soft blankets and pillows. “Time for your next lesson, baby.”