Kyle kissed her and then crawled on top of her, thrusting his condom-covered cock into her pussy. She could hardly believe the feelings she was experiencing having both of them inside her body.

“Oh this is the most wonderful thing I’ve ever felt in my life.”

Every one of their strokes felt like an orgasm, causing tiny eruptions to go off inside her. She wrapped her legs around Kyle, urging him to go even deeper. She reached behind her, needing to touch Aaron, and found his sides. She scraped his hot flesh, unable to hold back her unleashed desires.

They thrust into her over and over. Deeper and deeper. Their joint assault on her body, Aaron in her ass and Kyle in her pussy, continued for several more earth-shattering moments. She couldn’t take much more.

“Come for me, baby.” Aaron’s hot breath skated over the back of her neck and down her shoulders.

Her orgasms came one right after the other, blending into one long immense release. She’d never felt such pleasure in all her life. Never knew it was even possible.

Kyle’s eyes narrowed and he sent his cock impossibly deep inside her. “Ahh.” He came inside her.

Aaron thrust his dick into her ass several more strokes and then she felt him stiffen in the final stroke. “Fuuck.”

She came again, screaming, with tears of release streaming down her cheeks. “I love you both so very much.”

Kyle kissed her. “I love you, too, sweetheart. Aaron, can you believe how lucky we are to have found Gya?”

“We don’t deserve her, but I’m so glad she’s ours.” Aaron kissed her neck. “You saved me, baby. I love you. You’re all that matters to me in the world.”

Chapter Fourteen

As the sun began peeking through the windows, Gya tiptoed out of Aaron’s bedroom, leaving him and Kyle asleep. She’d promised to make them breakfast before drifting off.

What a night! She was surprised by how much energy she felt this morning, having been so exhausted by the amazing evening her two guys had given her. Gya never knew she could feel this way about anyone. I love them so very much. I want them in my life forever.

She closed the door quietly and walked into the kitchen. Her cell was on the counter. She grabbed it and saw she had a text from Stephanie.

“Can you meet me at my hotel room as soon as possible? It’s urgent. Sharon is here. We have an issue.”

Gya called Stephanie and it went straight to voice mail. Not unusual, since Stephanie was on the phone constantly like any other agent. Damn it. What could Sharon be up to? Had she pulled some clause out of the contract and threatened to sue? Gya had been sued a few times, but had never lost. Fame and fortune had their advantages but also their disadvantages. People who saw deep pockets tried to get their hands in them even when they didn’t have a legitimate case.

She thought about waking the guys to go with her to the Hotel Cactus, but they deserved their sleep. Since it was within walking distance, she didn’t need them t

o drive her.

Instead of cooking them breakfast, she would bring back King Cakes once she cleared up whatever mess Sharon had caused. She found a pen and a notepad. She let them know where she was going and then signed it—Love Always, Gya.

* * * *

Kyle opened his eyes and immediately realized Gya was gone. Aaron was asleep on the other side of the bed. “Wake up, bro. I bet our girl is making us breakfast like she promised before dozing off last night.”

Aaron yawned. “I’m hungry. I wonder what she’s making.”

Kyle couldn’t smell anything. Strange. He stood up and pulled on his shorts. I also don’t hear anything.

* * * *

Gya knocked on Stephanie’s hotel suite door.

Sharon opened it and stood there smiling. “Come in, Gya. We’ve been waiting for you.”

Before entering, she decided to make it clear to Sharon her intentions. “I’m not going back on tour no matter what. Maybe next year I’ll get back on the road, but this year is out.”

The promoter stuck her head out and looked up and down the hallway. “Gya, this is something we should discuss in private. I’m sure you and Stephanie have a lot to say on the subject, but I have even bigger plans for you.”

“Bigger plans?”