She pulled out the milk container and poured herself a glass. Before he could exit she turned around, and in a flash her eyes went wide and her jaw dropped and so did the milk container and glass.

“I didn’t mean to startle you, Gya.”

“Kyle told me you went to bed.” She bent down and began picking up shards of glass. “I heard him leave a little bit ago, so I thought I was alone.”

“Let me help you with that. After all, it was my fault.” He knelt down beside her and saw her feet were bare. “Damn. You don’t have any shoes on.”

“Neither do you?”

“Doesn’t matter. You’re not going to get cut.” He swept her up into his arms and lifted her off the floor. Staring into her golden brown eyes, he inhaled her sweet aroma. “God, you smell good.”

She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Is this how you treat all your clients? Quite the red carpet if you ask me.”

Holding her in his arms felt so good, so right. Unable to hold back, he pressed his mouth to her full, red lips. His heart pounded in his chest like a jackhammer. For the first time in a long time he felt really alive. He started to deepen his kiss, but then reason sliced through his carelessness. He stopped abruptly.

She blinked. “What’s the matter?”

He had to look away. “I’m sorry, Gya.”

“Why are you sorry?”

He didn’t answer. Couldn’t answer. The truth was too painful.

He carried her to a safe distance from the broken glass and placed her in one of the kitchen chairs.

“Stay right there and don’t get up.” He knew his tone was too harsh. “I’ll clean this up and then you can go back to bed.”

She didn’t deserve this, but he didn’t know what else to do. He had to keep her at bay. He couldn’t look at her. Everything about Gya called to him. If he let himself, he would succumb to the impossible dream. But that was all it could be—a dream.

Cancer. I have cancer. Fuck.

He turned on the kitchen lights. Before he could pick up a single shard, Gya leapt to her feet. “You think you can just kiss me and plop me in a chair, Mr. G-man, Mr. Sourpuss, Mr. Sunglasses. Well I have news for you. I’ve taken care of myself my whole life, and I don’t need you telling me what to do. I asked you a question, and you’re damn well going to answer it.”

He grinned at her fire. God, she is the whole package.

“Smiling? You think this is funny.” She stepped in front of him and placed her hands on his chest. “There’s nothing funny about this.”

He stepped back, laughing, and cut his foot on a tiny piece of glass. “Damn, woman. You cut me.”

“I cut you? You self-centered asshole. You give the best kisses and then back off and cry over a tiny little cut. You’re the one who has been cutting me, not the other way around.”

“I give the best kisses?”

“Damn it, you know what I mean.” Gya’s rant was unbelievably sexy to him for some reason. “You come to Houston, looking all studly sexy, acting like a complete jerk. Then I catch you looking at me, and I know there’s something going on in that thick head of yours. Hell, I even thought we might be good together. Then you pushed me away. Made yourself scarce every chance you could. When you walked in on me and Kyle, I was sure you hated me.”

“Hated you?”

“Yes, hated me. Talk about mixed signals. And then you kiss me. You blow my mind, Mr. Strait. Tell me the truth. What is it about me that turns you off? What makes you want to run whenever I’m in the room?”

He hated seeing her eyes well up. “Gya, you don’t understand.”

“No, I don’t.” She took a deep breath. “Aaron, what’s wrong with me?”

“There’s nothing wrong with you, Gya. Absolutely nothing. You’re perfect in every way. You’re beautiful and smart. You’re talented and charming. You have a kind heart and generous nature. I don’t hate you. In fact, quite the opposite is true. Yes, I stole glances at you when I thought you weren’t looking. You’re the most amazing creature I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

“Then why are you pushing me away so hard?”