Sheriff Champion nodded. “I’m sure glad to have you back in town. We could definitely use your expertise on our drug cartel issue. How long will you be here?”

Aaron’s gut tightened. What a question. Only the tumor knew how long, he supposed. “I’ll be here until I put to rest the stalker trouble my client is having.”

“Who is your client?” Bane asked. “Anyone we might know?”

“I’ll let you know, but we must keep this under wraps. I don’t want even the townsfolk to find out.”

“Then you better make sure my aunt is kept in the dark, Aaron,” Austin said. “As you know, she’s got a nose for these kinds of things.”

He grinned. Maude Strong was like a mother to him and to Kyle. “That’s for sure. My client is Gya Gaynor. Ever heard of her?”

“You’re kidding, right?” Adam said. “Who hasn’t heard of her? I’ve downloaded all her songs.”

“That’s odd. You were more of a metal guy when we were in high school. I guess some things have changed.”

“I still love hard rock, but Gya Gaynor can sing the hell out of a song.”

“As popular as Miss Gaynor is, we sure have our work cut out for us, gentlemen,” Sheriff Champion said.

“Just keep it under wraps. No one outside of this room besides my brother knows. Not even her agent.” He’d made arrangements for Stephanie to call Gya from SCSS’s headquarters on a secure line. But he still wasn’t going to reveal Gya’s location to her. Too risky. “The slightest leak and the town will be overrun with paparazzi and adoring fans. Gya’s stalker could sneak in without our knowledge and I’d have to find a new safe house to take her to.”

“Quite the operation you’re running, buddy,” Adam said. “What can we do for you?”

“Just keep a lookout for anyone who shows up in town you don’t know.”

Chapter Six

Kyle enjoyed the taste of Gya’s lips. The words she’d just spoken swirled over and over in his mind. I’ve never felt so safe and so comfortable in my life.

He threaded his hands through her silky golden hair. He swept his tongue into her wet mouth, tangling with hers. He intensified their kiss, wanting to make her feel secure with all his heart. Since their first meeting in Houston he’d been enthralled by her. Now, he knew it went deeper. He cared for her. Hell, he wanted her. Wanted her for him and Aaron. He had to have her, to possess her, to claim her. Tonight, all of Gya would be his.

He felt her arms wrap around his neck, and he pulled her in tighter. Her body was so soft, so feminine. He loved her curves. She was all woman.

Keeping his lips pressed to hers, he whispered, “Gya, my sweet Gya.”

Her moans vibrating on her lush lips caused his cock to harden even more than it already was.

Inhaling her sweet scent, he unbuttoned her top slowly. Gazing into her warm brown eyes, he cupped her full breasts through the fabric of her bra. “You are gorgeous, sweetheart.”

She smiled and bent down, kissing his neck. “So are you, handsome. So are you.”

She began unbuttoning his shirt with her delicate fingers as he unfastened her bra. The electricity between them was palpable. Needing more of her lips, he made love to her mouth, urging more whimpers from her.

As their combined passionate energy exploded, they began ripping each other’s clothes off. In a flash they were both completely naked, their clothes having been tossed to the floor. They hungrily continued kissing each other, lost to the moment.

His body was burning from head to toe. Need pulsated through his body. He couldn’t get enough of her. This was so much more than lust. This was primal. This was a longing he’d never had for any other woman before. This was awakening something new inside him—the need to possess her for all time. She is mine.

* * * *

Gya’s lips were throbbing from Kyle’s never-ending kisses, but still she wanted more. Her desire for him was beyond explanation. She couldn’t understand the feelings she was experiencing. She wanted to feel every part of his muscled body. Filled with a wildness that was new to her, she clawed at his back, her desires overwhelming her. Passion flooded her entire being. She wanted all of him. More than wanted, she needed all of him.

Allowing her fingers to explore, she moved her hands over his chest and slid them down to his massive, hard cock. She wanted him to know how much she desired him. She ran her hand up and down his shaft, squeezing him with every stroke.

His eyes closed and a deep growl vibrated out his mouth. “So good, baby. So fucking good.”

His words pleased her and she sped up the rhythm on his dick. He touched her with his large hands, moving his rough fingers down to her pussy. She felt moisture pool from where he touched her, as he ignited her pussy with his intimate caress.

“I’ve got to taste your sweet juices, sweetheart.”