For the first time, he saw she was a little frightened.

“You don’t have to think about such things. That’s our job. I’ve already spoken to the company who has the alarm on your house. Nothing to report. I want to have one of my men secure the place. How can we get him a key?”

“There’s a spare at my office in Los Angeles,” Stephanie said. “I can call my assistant Sky to meet your man at Gya’s home with the key tomorrow morning. She also has the security code.”

He didn’t like the sound of that. “How many others have access to keys and the code?”

“That’s the only spare. Gya has a key. I have a key. Three. No more. Aaron, my assistant has been with me for years. She can be trusted.”

“I’ll need her name and information. Can you have her at the house by five a.m. Pacific time?”


He turned to Kyle. “Have Sam meet Stephanie’s assistant in Malibu. He needs to secure the place completely before we arrive. It will be seven here, so he can call us with the details before we take off.”

His brother nodded and pulled out his phone, but his eyes never left Gya.

She kept glancing back and forth at Kyle and him. “What about tonight? What happens while we’re here at this hotel?”

He smiled. “Leave that to me, Gya. I’ve got it all covered.”

His plan for her and Kyle was going to work out perfectly.

* * * *

Gya climbed into the back of the hotel’s limo with Stephanie. Aaron and Kyle came in behind them.

She hadn’t slept. Not even a single wink. How could she after meeting the two sexy bodyguards? Both were muscled to the max. And so very tall, several inches over six feet. Their thick, dark hair screamed at her to be touched. Their eyes were the deepest blue she’d ever seen, though she’d only got to see them when they were in the hotel room. The rest of the time they’d been hidden under sunglasses.

“How are you doing, sweetheart?” Stephanie handed her a bottle of water.

“I could use more sleep.” Or any sleep. She took the bottle. “You know I’m not much of a morning person.”

“I know. You knocked their socks off in Houston last night.”

“Thanks. And nothing happened, even though we didn’t have these two gor”—gorgeous men—“chaperones on the job yet.” I almost blew it. She hadn’t really wanted bodyguards, but she didn’t mind being around these two studs.

Kyle lowered his sunglasses and sent her a wicked wink, which gave her a nice little tingle. Aaron remained as stoic as he’d been since she’d met him.

She took a sip of the water. “I hope Phoenix enjoys the show as much as Houston seemed to.”

“Of course they will,” Stephanie said. “Everyone loves your new album.”

“You always say that for every album.”

“And guess what, sweetheart. I’m always right, too.”

“So you say.” She laughed. Stephanie had done more for her than anyone in her entire life. “I can’t believe I’m up this early. Seven o’clock. Crazy.”

“Why don’t you lean back and shut your eyes, Gya?” Kyle smiled, causing her to catch her breath. God, he’s good looking. And nice. “We have at least forty more minutes before we arrive at the airport.”

“I better ask the boss, don’t you think?” She’d begun referring to Aaron that way ever since last night. She found his serious demeanor mesmerizing and challenging as well. “What do you say? Am I allowed to doze off, boss?”

“Yes.” His single syllable answer came from deep within his muscled chest. It vibrated along her skin, making her shiver.

What was it about this man that so unhinged her? Everything.

“Good.” She leaned back. “I’ve never been able to sleep in a moving vehicle before.”