The only thing that seemed to trouble Aaron more than the horrible sickness he had to face after every treatment was something that had happened on the day she’d walked into the bathroom and saw him brushing his hair. It had been coming out in clumps.

He’d turned to her. “I’m losing all my hair, baby. Cancer can’t be seen but this is absolute proof that it’s inside me.” It had been expected to fall out. He seemed devastated. Even though he was putting on a big front, she saw his eyes well up, something she’d never seen before.

A simple it will grow back reply did not seem adequate.

She’d just put her arms around him and told him how handsome he was regardless. They held each other in silence, and it took all her strength to hold back her tears. She’d sworn not to let him see her cry during his treatments. She wanted only to encourage him that this was only temporary, that he was going to be just as strong and vital as he’d always been.

Kyle had been so intuitive. Both Aaron and she had been shocked when he’d come back home with King Cakes and his hair was completely shaved off. “I can’t take the treatments for you, bro, but I can at least look like you.”

Her guys had embraced.

When she’d told them she wanted to shave her hair in support, too, they both had been firm she couldn’t, saying that touching her silky hair was one of the things that helped them through the hard days and nights.

Dr. Champion rushed in, pulling her from the memory. “I’m so sorry to keep you waiting, Aaron.”

“Not a problem, Doc.”

“Dr. Daniels is sending over the full report but I called him on the way over here to find out the results.” Dr. Champion smiled. “It’s gone, Aaron. Every bit of cancer is gone.”

Aaron swept her up into his arms and grabbed Kyle’s arm. “Did you hear that? It’s gone. It’s over.”

“I did. I did hear.” Gya dotted little kisses on his entire face. “No more cancer.”

Kyle turned to Alex. “Group hug, Doc.”

They all embraced.

Gya had never felt such joy in her life. Aaron is well.

* * * *

Kyle looked at Aaron, who was adjusting his tie. “Almost time.”

Aaron smiled. “I’m ready.”

“Are you?” Pete, the local preacher who officiated most weddings in town and also owned the local casino, stood to his brother’s left. The man never beat around the bush on any subject. “It’s time for my counseling, boys. We don’t have a divorce rate in Wilde. And I don’t plan on starting one now. Do I make myself clear? This marriage is forever.” Preacher Pete opened his suit coat, revealing the pistol holstered to his side. “Don’t forget, I’m packing, boys.”

“Yes, sir,” he and Aaron said in unison, smiling.

“Let’s go then.”

They walked into the wedding chapel, which was filled to standing-room-only capacity.

Aaron leaned over and whispered, “I wonder what Pete said to Gya.”

The preacher stopped. “I heard that, young man.” Then he smiled and stepped up to the podium.

Kyle smiled at Maude and her two husbands, who were sitting in the row reserved for the parents of the grooms. Maude grinned and both her men sent him and Aaron a wink of approval.

Mary Wilde, Maude’s sister, sat behind her with her three guys. She handed Maude a handkerchief.

Those two families, the Strongs and the Wildes, were the foundation the very city stood upon. Salt of the earth kind of people.

Their children sat in the rows behind them. Jessie Wilde, holding baby Carol, sat between her five husbands.

Sandwiched in between her six guys, Charly Strong held little Gregory in her arms.

They weren’t the only ones holding infants. Dr. Alex Champion held the newest member of his family, Grace Madelyn. Shelby, her mother, and Justin and Brandon, the little girl’s other dads, sat in the row with the little bundle.