They both turned to Gya, each taking one of her hands.

“Sweetheart, we don’t want you to move back to Malibu. Kyle and I aren’t going back to California. Sam has already agreed to take the helm of SCSS while I’m in treatment.”

“That’s very good,” she said. “You need all your energy, Aaron.”

“We’re both tired of the road and I’m sure you are, too.”

Her beautiful eyes were wide. “I am.”

Kyle reached up and touched her on the cheek. “There’s no place like Wilde, but even as great as it is, without you, baby, it would only be another place to lay our heads down at night. You’re what will make it home again for us.”

They both got down on their knees.

He gazed at the woman of his dreams. “I’m hopeful that my treatments will add years to my life, but whether I have only a few months or many decades left, I want to spend all of my days and nights with you, my love. Will you marry me, Gya?”

Kyle added, “And me?”

A tear rolled down her cheek and a sweet smile spread across her face.

“Don’t tell me you have stage fright, Gya Gaynor,” Maude said, wiping her eyes. “The suspense is killing me. What do you say to these two boys? Are you going to marry them or not?”

Gya nodded. “Yes, I’m going to marry them. I want to be their wife.”

Everyone cheered their approval as he and Kyle kissed Gya, the woman they would spend the rest of their lives with.

Wilde was home again.

Chapter Sixteen

Six months later

Gya sat beside Aaron in Dr. Champion’s waiting room. Kyle was on the other side of him.

Every tick of the clock was killing her, but she was keeping on a brave face. She had to for Aaron.

“You seem nervous, baby,” Aaron said.

Keeping secrets from him is impossible, since he clearly seems to be able to read my mind. “Just thinking about our big day next Saturday.”

He smiled. “The ceremony is going to be fine. It’s just a wedding.”

“Yes, but it’s our wedding, mister. I want it to be special.”

“With you as our bride it couldn’t be anything but special.” Aaron stroked her hair.

Kyle kissed her on the cheek. “You’re right about that, bro.”

“And with you as my grooms, I couldn’t be happier.” She leaned her head into Aaron’s shoulder and squeezed Kyle’s hand.

“I’m going to check to see how much longer.” Kyle stood and walked over to Dr. Champion’s receptionist. “Any word on when Doc will be here, Grace? We’re expecting to get the results of Aaron’s last scan today.”

“I know, Kyle. Alex just got out of surgery. He had an emergency appendectomy this morning. He’s on his way and should be here any moment. I’m sorry he’s late. I know you are all anxious to hear.”

Aaron smiled and squeezed Gya’s hand. “We should be used to waiting, baby, shouldn’t we? Especially after all we’ve been through?”

She looked into his deep blue eyes. “Trust me, it’s going to be good news, honey.” Please God let it be good news.

He leaned over and gave her a gentle kiss. His dark hair had grown back in, and so had Kyle’s. Her mind drifted back to the only day she’d seen Aaron struggle with his treatment. It hadn’t been the constant sickness or fatigue that got to Aaron. He’d fought on like a champion, making jokes and cheering up everyone around him. So many times he’d have them all in stitches at the infusion center in Denver with his arm hooked up to the bag of poison necessary to kill the cancer cells in his body.