“Thank you for these, Maude. They’re beautiful.”

“You’re welcome. How’s she doing, Alex?”

“All her vitals are great. I want to keep her here for a couple more days.”

“Is there any permanent damage from the gunshot, doctor?” Stephanie asked.

“None. Lucky for you, it was a clean wound. We just had to take the bullet out. It won’t be long before you’re as good as new.”

Aaron had already discussed with Kyle and Gya that Stephanie would be coming home with them temporarily once Alex released her. “I think I’m going to have to delay m

y appointment with the doctor in Denver, Doc.”

“Oh?” Alex shook his head. “I’ll see if I can get you rescheduled for next week.”

“I want you to be the lead on my treatment.”

“I’m not an oncologist, Aaron, but I’ll be sure to consult with Dr. Daniels about your results.”

“Perfect. I’d like to put off my appointment until next month.”

Gya turned to him, shaking her head. “Not a chance, mister.”

“Hold on, baby. Who is going to take care of Stephanie after Alex releases her if we’re all in Denver?”

“I hadn’t thought of that.”

“I don’t want to be trouble to anyone,” Stephanie said. “I’m sure I could hire a nurse until I’m back on my feet.”

“You’re not hiring anyone, Stephanie,” Maude said emphatically. “I’m going to take care of you until these three come back.” The fiery woman turned to him. “And you, young man, are not putting off your treatment another day.”

Gya stepped up beside her. They were both facing him. “She’s right, Aaron. Not another day. Even if I have to drag you there myself. We’re going.”

He kissed her and hugged Maude. “Okay. We’re going.”

Gya turned to Maude. “Thank you. I wouldn’t trust anyone else with Stephanie.”

“My pleasure, sweetheart. You and Kyle get this boy to Denver, get him well, and bring him back home where you all belong.”

Home? He and Kyle had discussed that as well. “How about now, bro?”

Kyle nodded. “I think this is the best time to do it.”

“Do what?” Gya asked.

Aaron smiled. “Hold on, baby. First things first.” He turned to Stephanie, as did Kyle. “May we call you ‘Mom?’”

“Of course you may. I would love that.”

“Mom, we’d like to ask for your blessing.”

Kyle nodded. “We would like to ask Gya to marry us.”

Stephanie grinned broadly. “You have my blessing, guys. You’re the answer to my prayers. You have made her happy. And I know you can give her the life I always wanted her to have. But it’s not up to me. It’s up to Gya.”

He leaned down and kissed Stephanie on the cheek. “Thank you, Mom.”

Kyle kissed her, too.