“Don’t,” she whispered and turned back to Calvin. She had to buy time for Aaron and Kyle to arrive. “I’m so glad you came for me but you can’t kill her, Calvin. She has all my money tied up and I can’t get to it without her. We can’t start our lives together broke. You must understand that. I’ve worked so hard.” Keep talking, Gya. Her heart was racing fast, but she tried to sound calm. “Calvin, please. We belong together but we need money.”

“You’re a fucking liar, Gya. I heard you call her ‘Mom.’” His words came out like acid. “You just don’t want me to kill this bitch, do you? You’ve just been leading me on all these years. Why not kill you first? You’re to blame, too.”

He pointed the weapon at her head.

Before she had time to react, Stephanie jumped in front of her screaming. “Not my daughter.”

Calvin fired the gun.

Stephanie fell back, landing on her. Blood spilled from the wound in her shoulder that he’d given her.

“Oh my God, Mom? Please be okay. Please.”

Stephanie didn’t respond.

Gya looked up at Calvin, tears streaming down her face. My time is up. “You’re a complete lunatic. I never loved you. I would never love you. You’re a monster.”

He glared at her with absolute hate. “All these years I planned for us to be together. For what?” He placed the barrel of his gun between her eyes. “Time to die, bitch.”

She closed her eyes, thinking about the future she’d almost found with Aaron and Kyle. Good-bye, my loves.

The door opened. Her men, her bodyguards, her champions, had come.

Calvin twisted around and fired his gun but missed.

Aaron and Kyle shot him several times.

The monster fell to the floor. Calvin was dead.

They ran to her side.

“We need a doctor, guys. Stephanie has been shot.”

Chapter Fifteen

Aaron sat beside Gya in Stephanie’s hospital room.

The nurses had just brought Stephanie back from recovery, but she was still asleep. Kyle had stepped out to get them all some coffee. It had been a very long day and night.

“I still can’t believe this all happened, Aaron,” Gya said softly.

He couldn’t either. If he and Kyle had been even a second later entering Stephanie’s hotel suite, he might’ve lost the woman of his dreams, the woman who made him believe in hope again.

He placed his arm around Gya and pulled her in close. “Stephanie’s going to be fine, baby. Doc said so.”

“I know, but it just seems like I’m finally coming out of a long nightmare.”

He kissed her forehead. “It’s smooth sailing from now on, baby.”

She smiled. “Thank God Alex is such a good surgeon. I don’t know what I would’ve done without her.”

“And I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.” He looked into her gorgeous eyes. “But it’s over.”

She leaned her head into his shoulder. “I love you so much.”

“And I love you, baby. You know that Kyle and I are going to have to wait on taking you to the club now, sweetheart.”

“I know. But promise me you will take me when the time is right. I still want to go. I want to find every single way I can to show you both how much I love you.”