They got Stephanie settled into her suite, which was as beautiful as any five-star hotel Gya had ever stayed in.

Kyle leaned over and gave Gya a kiss. “Aaron and I will be back in a couple of hours to retrieve you both for dinner. If you need anything, just call.”

“Thank you again,” Stephanie said. “I’m not sure how I can ever repay you.”

“You don’t have to.” He put his arm around Gya. “She’s more than worth it.”

“And so are you.” She tilted her head and he gave her another kiss. “Bye.”

He winked and left.

Stephanie took a seat on the side of the bed. “I can see things are working out nicely for you with Kyle, honey. How’s it going with Aaron?”

“I’m falling for both of them.” She told Stephanie about Aaron’s cancer and how he’d finally agreed to treatment. “We’re going to Denver next week for his appointment with a physician who is one of the best at treating Hodgkin’s disease. That’s why, despite Sharon’s insistence, I can’t go back out on tour. I won’t. Not until Aaron is finished with all his treatments. I’ve never put my career on hold before, but this is just too important.”

“Sweetheart, I’ll handle Sharon. Don’t you worry about that. You do what you have to do. Aaron is your priority now. Take as long as you need. Forever even. You have more money than you can ever spend. Your records will continue to sell for many years whether you put out a new one or not.”

She gazed at the woman who had never failed her, had always wanted the best for her, had helped her believe in family. “Thank you.”

Stephanie gave her another hug. “I’m so glad you have found happiness. You deserve it more than anyone I know.”

“So do you, Mom. So do you.”

Stephanie released her. “Mom? You’ve never called me that.”

“But that’s who you are to me. I hope you don’t mind if I call you that.”

Tears rolled down her agent’s cheeks. “Mind? I dreamed you would call me that one day. You’ve made me so happy. You are my daughter, Gya. You have been ever since you came to live with me.”

* * * *

Aaron looked at the full moon hanging low in the sky above the mountains. It was good to be back in Wilde, good to be home—especially with Gya. Sitting between him and Kyle on their mom’s swing, she wore jeans and a cotton top, both accenting her curves perfectly.

“That was a great dinner at the Horseshoe, tonight.” Kyle grinned. “Sweetheart, did you enjoy your salad?”

“I did, but didn’t I tell you how Stephanie is about food?” She laughed. “She knows so much about healthy eating, but she can go a little overboard when it comes to me.”

“Overboard or not, it’s clear to me that she cares deeply for you, baby.” Aaron squeezed her hand. “Besides, you devoured our leftovers when we got home.”

“I’m not a rabbit.”

He stroked her silky hair. “I want to talk to you about something, Gya.”

“Sounds serious.” She leaned forward. “What about? Is this about your treatments, because if you are thinking about backing out, I will not—”

He placed his fingertip to her lips. “I’m still going to Denver next week.”

“We are all going to Denver next week.”

“No arguments about that, but before we go you need to know something about me and Kyle.”

“Sounds very serious.”

“It is.” Gazing at her eyes, he saw the future he wanted reflected there. Never had he wanted anyone more in his life than Gya. “This may be a little soon to talk about this with you, but under the circumstances, I feel it is important. You’re putting your career on hold for me. I want you to know what you’re getting into.”

She turned to Kyle. “Do you know what this is about?”

He nodded. “Aaron and I talked while you were at the hotel with Stephanie. We’re in agreement we should put all our cards on the table. No secrets.”