“Oh my God. Yes. Gya. Thank you.” Anna went back into the kitchen and turned in their ticket.

Kyle laughed. “You made Anna’s day, that’s for sure. She’s quite excited. Does this happen often?”

“Just part of the job. Stephanie and I came up with the disguises so I could go out in public without creating a scene.” She took a sip of water. “Oh my God, I forgot to call Stephanie and tell her about Scarpelli.”

Aaron handed her his cell.

She dialed Stephanie’s number.

“Hello, Aaron.”

“It’s Gya, Steph. I have good news.”

“I already heard. Scarpelli is no longer a threat, baby. What a relief.”

“How did you hear?”

“Sharon called me. She saw it on the news. I’m already getting calls from all the talk shows for you to appear. Apparently the media got a tip that he had several photos of you on the walls of his house in Chicago.”

“Not several. Hundreds.”

“Oh my God. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. I’m not surprised Sharon called you so fast. She made it clear in Houston she wasn’t happy with us canceling the tour. I’m sure she’s chomping at the bit for me to get back on the road.”

“You’re right. That was the second thing out of her mouth.”

“No tour. Not this year.”

“Why, honey?”

“I’ll tell you all about it when you get here.” She turned to Aaron. “I can tell her now, right?”

He smiled and nodded.

“Stephanie, I’m in Wilde, Nevada.”

“I can’t wait to see you, Gya. Not knowing where you are has been hell for me. I’m so glad you’re safe.”

“Thanks to Aaron and Kyle. Take the plane. Please bring some clothes, my computer, and my phone with you.”

“I’ll be there tomorrow, honey.”

Anna walked to their table and placed two plates of food in front of Aaron and Kyle. “We’re making something special for you, Gya. A special spin on our King Cakes. It’ll be out in just a second. Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t see you talking on the phone.”

“It’s okay.”

“Did I just hear someone say ‘King Cake’?” Stephanie asked.

Gya grinned. Oh boy. I’m in trouble now.

“I thought you said you were in Nevada. Sounds like you’re in Louisiana. I hope you’re not eating junk, Gya. Don’t forget you only have one body. It’s a temple.”

She laughed, listening to Stephanie go into her usual diatribe about healthy choices. “Are you there? Steph? Hello.”

Kyle handed her a forkful of his King Cakes.

“I’m here, Gya.”