Kyle touched her cheek. “Damn, Gya. I can’t believe what you had to go through.”

Aaron agreed. “No wonder you’re so strong.”

She looked him straight in the eyes. “Not strong. I just did what had to be done. I held on to hope that things would change for the better. They do, you know. I believed one day I would meet someone who would sweep me off my feet. That was my hope. Always. Little did I know I would get two someones.” She grinned. “Hope, Aaron, is the fuel to get through the hard times. I know. I’ve lived it. That’s what I always do.” She pushed the file back in front of him. “Now it’s time for you to start hoping.”

She’d been to hell and back. As he’d suspected all along after meeting her for the first time, Gya was tough. Now, knowing she was a survivor made him want her all the more.

“Say something, bro.” Kyle’s eyes were filled with concern. “What do you say? Won’t you give it a look?”

What can I say? He looked at the two people sitting with him at his mother’s kitchen table. They were meant for each other. He knew that for certain. In his heart, he wanted her, too—wanted to share her with his brother, to build a life together, a future. But that would never be.

He still doubted anything would change the inevitability of his outcome. He was a realist. But after hearing her story and seeing the suffering in his brother’s eyes, how could he refuse them? He simply couldn’t.

“Hand me Maude’s folder, baby. We’ll all take a look together.”

Chapter Eleven

After sleeping most of the day away, Gya stepped out on the back porch with Aaron and Kyle, gazing at the mountains off in the distance. “What a pretty sunset.”

“They’re all spectacular here, baby.” Aaron held her hand. He seemed more optimistic than before.

They’d all read every word in Maude’s file. His situation wasn’t as grim as any of them had feared. With treatment, he would live a full life.

A long wooden swing was positioned perfectly to enjoy the view. She learned from them that their dads had built the swing as an anniversary gift for their mother. Thankfully, the trio had gotten to enjoy some sunsets together before the two men had been shipped out, never to return. “Where do you want me, guys?”

Kyle motioned to the center of the swing. “Right between us, sweetheart. That’s where you belong.”

She took a seat, looking at her two bodyguards. She smiled at how different they looked now than how they’d looked back in Houston. Shorts and T-shirts only. Well, that and their guns holstered to their sides. “Did you hear back from Sam yet, Aaron?”

“This morning while you were sleeping. Nothing new to report, unfortunately, baby. You’re going to have to stay put for a little longer.”

She leaned into him and pressed her lips to his. “I’m perfectly fine with that, Mr. Strait.” She turned and kissed Kyle as well. “I love it here.”

“I’m glad you do,” Kyle said.

She held both their hands. “Where else besides Wilde do doctors make house visits? I really li

ked Dr. Champion.”

“Alex is a good man.” Kyle turned to Aaron. “What do you think about the Denver option he told us about? Sounds like that might be the best place to start your treatments.”

Dr. Champion knew the doctor in Denver and had told them he was one of the best in the field. His successes exceeded the national average. But Aaron still hadn’t said whether he was willing to start the treatments or not. She couldn’t imagine how difficult it was for him. It was a lot to take in.

She turned to Aaron, hoping with all her heart he would finally agree.

But before he could answer, his cell rang. “It’s Sam. Let me put it on speaker. Hey, guy. What news do you have for us?”

“Boss, you’re going to love what I have to tell you. It’s all good news. Vincent Scarpelli is dead.”


“The Feds made their move. They had enough on the creep’s money laundering business to bring him in. Scarpelli and two of his men started firing on the good guys. The scumbags were killed. Only one agent took a bullet in the leg, but I heard he’s doing well.”

“That is good news.”

“I just sent you and Kyle the photos the Feds shared with me that they took at Scarpelli’s home. He’d built a fucking shrine to our client. Every wall was covered in pictures of her. Looks like the heat is off of Miss Gaynor.”

Kyle held up his phone for her and Aaron to see. The image was so disturbing. Sam wasn’t exaggerating.