“Your brother startled me. I spilt the milk.” She smiled broadly. “And I didn’t even cry. Get it?” She started laughing again uncontrollably. “I didn’t cry over spilt milk. Don’t… blame… me…” She took a deep breath and her giggles lessened slightly. “Aaron has been making me laugh all night long.”

“He’s a regular comedian.” Kyle smiled. The plan is already under way and I didn’t even have to wait until morning.

“We were just talking about making something to eat.” Aaron swung his legs off the bed. “We can clean up the mess at the same time. What about you, Kyle? You hungry?”

“Starving is more like it.”

“How about we all get dressed and go to the diner you both told me about?” Gya stood and grabbed her clothes as well. “You know—the diner where Elvis ate the pancakes. I would sure love a big stack with melted butter, hot syrup, and a side of crispy bacon.”

“You mean Norma’s. Seriously, you want pancakes again? You just had them on the trip to Wilde.” Kyle asked, thrilled to see she and Aaron together.

“Doesn’t matter if she does or not.” Aaron pulled on his pants. “She’s still not allowed out of this house until we get her stalker.”

“I completely agree with you, bro.”

Gya frowned, which only made her look even cuter. “What about my great disguises? I fooled you, Aaron.”

“Yes, you did, sweetheart, but yo

u’re still not going anywhere until he and I say so.”

She folded her arms over her ample breasts and stuck out her tongue. “Party pooper.”

They all laughed. She definitely brought out the good side of both of them. The last time he remembered Aaron being so relaxed was when they were still in high school before their mother had died.

Tonight it was obvious Aaron was thoroughly enjoying himself.

He wanted him to continue spending time with Gya. This was his plan. With her help, they would convince Aaron to fight. “Listen up you two. I’m dressed. I’ll go to the diner and get us three orders of King Cakes. You two clean up your mess while I’m gone. Got it?”

Dropping her bundle of clothes to the floor, she jumped to her feet and saluted. “Yes, sir.”

He grinned, scanning her naked body. She’s gorgeous. “I think you might be ready for basic training, little soldier.” How he would love teaching her about the life that he and Aaron practiced.

“You really think so, sir?” It was a game to her now, but he knew it wouldn’t be long before it would be a reality.

“Keep saluting me in the nude and I will happily give you more orders that you will enjoy. Would you like that, baby?”

She stood up even straighter, smiling and holding her hand against her forehead. “Yes, sir.”

Aaron turned to her, his eyes wide.

It was clear to him that his brother was drawn to the submissive side of Gya that they both sensed in her.

“What do you say, Aaron?”

Aaron didn’t turn to him, keeping his steady gaze on Gya. “You got a deal, bro.”

“Be back shortly.” Kyle walked out of the room, leaving the door open.

* * * *

Aaron put down his fork. “That was delicious.”

“I’ll say it was.” Gya sat next to him at the kitchen table. “You weren’t kidding about the King Cakes. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to eat pancakes from anywhere else again. I wonder what the diner’s secret is.”

“You’re not the first to want to know, but it has been kept under lock and key for decades.” Kyle stood and collected their dirty dishes.

She pushed her chair back from the table. “Let me help you.”