“Isn’t it Aaron’s place to tell her about his cancer?”

She shrugged. “All the rules are out the window when your brother’s life is on the line. Get this woman on your side. Two strong individuals like you and Gya against one stubborn man like your brother…even he will have to come to his senses.”

He stood.

“Take the folder. Show it to your brother.”

He grabbed it up. “First thing in the morning, I’m going to talk to Gya about everything.”

“Good for you.” She got up and wrapped her arms around him. “I love you, Kyle.”

He squeezed the woman who had become a second mother to him and Aaron long ago. “I love you, too. Thank you. You always know what to say to make me feel better.”

“That’s my job, Kyle. Now go home. Get some sleep. You look exhausted.”

“Yes ma’am.”

He walked to the door with her. “Thanks again.”

“Night, my boy.” She closed the door and he headed to his car.

Maude was right about Gya. She was tough and also had feelings for Aaron. Together they were going to get through Aaron’s thick head to fight this thing. Everything would turn out fine.

Aaron is going to live.

Chapter Ten

With his spirits lifted after talking to Maude, Kyle opened the door to his and Aaron’s family home. It was too late to wake either his brother or Gya, but first thing in the morning he was going to get the ball rolling on the plan he and Maude had cooked up.

He started to walk to his bedroom and noticed the kitchen light was on. He walked in and what he found on the floor filled him with dread.

Glass, milk—and blood.

Gya! The stalker! Fuck!

He pulled out his Glock and ran up the stairs to the guest bedroom. The door was open. No Gya. His heart thudded in his chest as he checked the bathroom, closet, windows, everywhere. Nothing out of the ordinary.

He sprinted down the stairs quietly. The intruder might still be somewhere else in the house. He hoped so, as that would mean Gya was still here, too.

Please let her be unharmed.

He heard noises coming from the back of the house where his and Aaron’s bedrooms were located. He didn’t hesitate, but moved, eyes wide, holding his gun out in front of him.

The noises were coming from Aaron’s room. Had the intruder gotten the drop on his brother? Aaron had been drunk when he’d left, so it might’ve been possible.

Silently he walked to the door and heard Gya yell, “Stop.”

He kicked it open, ready to shoot the son of bitch who had his hands on her. “What the hell.”

Aaron and Gya were on top of the bed naked. They had sex while I was gone.

Aaron smiled and raised his hands up. “Don’t shoot. We’re both unharmed.”

“I can see that.” Looking at Aaron, he couldn’t believe he had cancer. He looked like the epitome of health. Wrapping his fingers around the folder that Maude had given him, he knew they were going to beat the invisible disease together. Aaron would not only look healthy on the outside, but he would be healthy on the inside, too.

Gya was laughing. “Kyle, thank God you came. I couldn’t get him to stop tickling me.”

“My God, you two about gave me a heart attack.” He holstered his gun, pulse still pounding in his veins. “What happened in the kitchen?”