She sat across from him, placing a folder on the table. “You’ve changed more than you can imagine. You left Wilde searching for answers, and I can see in your eyes you found them.”

“All but one.” He sighed. “My brother. What can I do for him? How can I help him?”

“I know you are scared, Kyle, but it’s going to be okay. The first thing I did when Aaron called me from Houston and told me about his cancer was go straight to Sheriff Champion. Even though he’s no longer practicing medicine he still has to keep up with everything in the medical field to keep his license.”

“I’m surprised you didn’t go to see his son. He’s the local doctor.”

“I did go see Alex, too. After I told them about Aaron’s Hodgkin’s disease and that it’s only stage one, they assured me he would be fine. It’s not a fun trip to take but it is curable.”


“You know more than me, Maude. All Aaron told me was that he had cancer. I had no idea what kind or anything.”

“Honey, it’s because of your mother. That’s all he sees in his mind. Aaron doesn’t realize how far medicine has progressed in the last several years. Even though you’re the younger brother, it’s time for you to take charge.”

Kyle thought about the sacrifices Aaron had made for him after their mother died. “I’ll do whatever I can. You know I love him.”

“And he loves you.” She pushed the folder toward him. “I printed out everything I could find on your brother’s type of cancer.”

He glanced over all the pages as Maude told him what she’d discovered. The news was so promising. The vast majority of patients with stage one Hodgkin’s disease survived and lived long healthy lives. Aaron’s cancer didn’t have to be a death sentence.

“There’s a wonderful doctor in Denver who is one of the best in the field. I made an appointment for Aaron for next week. You see that he goes.”

“I’ll do my best, but you know how stubborn he can be.”

“We can’t take ‘no’ for an answer this time.”

“You’re right, Maude. I’ll make sure he gets there even if I have to hog-tie him.”

“That’s my boy. I heard you were back in Wilde with a client. Will you two be able to get someone else from SCSS to watch him while you go to Denver next week?”

“Our client isn’t a he, and she is already much more than a client.”

“Oh my. I love the sound of that.” Maude took a sip of coffee.

“But romance is going to have to wait. I need to keep all my focus on my brother.”

She sat down her cup. “How does Aaron feel about this young woman client of yours?”

Kyle thought about how Aaron had reacted when he’d found him and Gya in bed together. “He hasn’t given her the time of day, but I have seen him look at her a few times which had led me to believe he was interested in her. But now I’m not so sure.”

“Kyle Strait, you know what I say. Always trust your gut.” She grinned. “Of the two of you, you’ve always been the more intuitive brother. Tell me all about her. Spare no detail.”

Kyle recounted all that had happened since Houston. “She’s perfect for us, Aunt Maude, but the way he’s been treating Gya, I’m not sure he sees her the way I do.”

“That only tells me your brother is interested in her, too. He’s pushing her into your arms, can’t you see that? He’s given up. You can’t let him. Gya sounds like a complete doll to me. Wait a second? You don’t mean Gya Gaynor, do you?”

He nodded.

“I love her music. Oh my God. I can’t wait to meet her.”

“I’ll make that happen, but you know Aaron has to say when. In the meantime, you can’t tell anyone.”

Maude traced an X over her chest. “Cross my heart. Gya Gaynor in Wilde, Nevada. This is big news.”

“You promised.”

“Of course. Did you know Gya started a charity for orphan children? She’s such a genuine person. Not like so many celebrities. I’m betting once she knows about Aaron’s condition, she will also make sure he fights this.”