She nodded. He’d made it very clear in every word, demand, and caress that he was fully in charge in the bedroom. Something inside her responded to him, allowing her to just be and let go. I don’t have to worry about a thing for the first time in my life. It felt amazing and safe.

“Okay. If you take them off now, I will tell you what I see. I swear.”

“Excellent, baby.” Unlike earlier, this time he quickly shoved his boxers to his ankle.

Her eyes zeroed in between his legs. “I see the most gorgeous dick in the world.”

He laughed. “Well that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Nobody’s dick is gorgeous.”

She giggled. “That’s what I said before. I guess I understand what you mean now. In fact I think your cock would be award-winning if there were that kind of contest.”

“I thought men were obsessed with their own cocks, but you, my dear, seem completely smitten by mine.”

“I am,” she confessed. “Don’t most men name their cocks? Does yours have a name?”

Laughing, he shook his head. “I’m not like most men. My cock is nameless.”

“Not any more. I think we should call it…umm…Atlas. Yes. That’s it. A Greek god. That’s what your cock reminds me of.”

“Okay, baby.” He smiled broadly. “Atlas it is.”

“Seriously, I can’t take my eyes off of you.”

“You mean you can’t take your eyes off of Atlas, don’t you? My beautiful, gorgeous cock. Keep going, baby.”

“I want to put my mouth on you. May I? Please.”

His eyebrows shot up and his breathing deepened.

“Did I say something wrong?”

He shook his head. “No, baby. You said everything just right. Come here and bring a pillow with you.”

Obeying him, she crawled out of the bed. She handed him the pillow.

Even though they were both naked, standing next to him she felt completely exposed and so very feminine, while he appeared powerful and so very masculine.

He placed the pillow at her feet. “On your knees, sweetheart.”

Tingling like mad, she nodded, dropping to the floor. Though she was thirsty to taste him, she didn’t make a move, believing he wanted to give her his permission first.

“Damn, Gya. You’re a natural.”

She wasn’t sure what he meant by that, but his tone told her whatever he saw in her he liked, which filled her with pride. “Thank you. So are you.”

He laughed. “So am I what?”

“A natural born lover. I’m burning up inside and you’re responsible for all of it.”

He bent down and touched her cheek. “My God, where have you been my whole life?”

“Waiting for you, though I never knew it.”

He inhaled deeply and then pressed his lips to hers, making her dizzy and causing her toes to curl.

With her lips still throbbing from his kiss, she looked into his blue eyes. “Not that I’m trying to take charge, Aaron, but isn’t it about time you let me touch you?”

He smiled. “Knock yourself out, baby. Be my guest.”