Aaron didn’t take the bait. “We have a job to do. Keep your head in the game.”

His brother was so serious, quite the opposite of him.

“You know I will, bro.” He owed Aaron so much. “You know that Crystal Dream Hotel is quite nice, but I still prefer the Hotel Cactus back home.”

“Celebs don’t stay at the Cactus. They stay at places like this.” Aaron sighed. “I miss home sometimes, too.”

That was quite the confession from his brother, who kept his cards close to the vest most of the time. “I thought so. How about moving the headquarters to Wilde?”

Aaron shook his head. “Wilde is too far off the beaten track. SCSS stays in Los Angeles.”

“You’re the boss.”

“That could change. Your call. My offer is still on the table when you’re ready.”

“I’m not ready to own anything, bro.”

“Suit yourself. I would like us to be equal partners someday though.”

Another surprising confession. Something was up with Aaron tonight, but he wasn’t about to ask what. “The new Hotel Cactus is something to behold. When we get a break, we should go home and take a look at it.”


After the Hotel Cactus in Wilde burned down, he’d been without a job. Maude Strong, who was like a mother to both he and Aaron, had offered to keep paying him until the hotel was rebuilt. He’d considered it, but deep down knew he needed a change. On his twenty-eighth birthday, he’d called Aaron and asked for a job. God, that was nearly a year ago. Time sure moves fast.

Next month he’d be turning twenty-nine, and he was no closer to figuring out what he wanted to do with his life than before. Still, working for his brother was very rewarding.

“Did you read the file on this client, Kyle?”

“Yes. Gya Gaynor. Pop singer. You know I like country more than pop, but she is a very good singer. Her current song is topping the charts. Of course, you wouldn’t know since all you listen to is heavy metal or classical.”

“I’ll have you know I like all genres of music.”

“That’s news to me.” He couldn’t imagine Aaron liking anything but the two musical extremes. “It’s good to know you have a fun side, too.”

“I never said I had a fun side.” Aaron grinned slightly. “Did you read the whole file or just about her career?”

“I did. Gunshots last night in Dallas. Several death threats over the past few months. Possible stalker taking things to a dangerous level.”

“Very good. And our prime suspect is Vincent Scarpelli, a Chicago mob boss.”

“I read that part, too.” He respected his brother and all the accomplishments he’d achieved.

Aaron had left their hometown of Wilde, Nevada, shortly after Kyle had graduated from high school. Though he’d never moved back, the brothers had remained close, talking on the phone frequently.

Kyle didn’t begrudge his brother wanting to spread his wings. Their mother’s death had quite the impact on both of them. He was proud of Aaron, who had built a successful VIP protection agency in a very short time.

The elevator doors opened and a large hotel security guard stood in front of them. He was an older-looking gentlemen with silver hair a

nd a broad smile. The engraved gold nameplate with “R. Reddeson” was pinned to his shirt. He had a Taser holstered to his side.

“Hello, fellas,” the guard said with a thick Texas accent. He extended his hand. “My name’s Robert, but everyone calls me Bobby.”

Kyle liked him right off the bat. The man was down to earth and warm. They shook hands. “Nice to meet you, Bobby. I’m Kyle.”

“How are ya’ll doing tonight?”

“Fine, Mr. Reddeson.” His brother stepped off the elevator. “I’m Aaron Strait.”