“I don’t expect any calls or any visitors. Once she’s back, I want you to come to Studio B to observe.”

“Sounds great.”

“Once we’re finished shooting, I’ll give you the tour of the whole place. Then we can sit down and talk.”

“I am so excited to be working for you, Mac. Thank you.”

Mac stood. “No. Thank you. You’re a lifesaver, Em.”

After Mac left, Emma’s cell rang.

She answered it and heard the horrific voices again.

* * * *

Bane pushed the piece of paper with Emma’s cell phone number over to Caleb.

“How long before you know where this call originated from?” Adam asked.

“I’m pretty sure I can do better than that. I bet I can tell you who made the call.” Their new boss looked at the paper and pulled out his cell. “There’s a new CIA team in Destiny, Colorado, that I’ve been working with. Jena is one of their lead techs and she can hack into anything. With Emma’s number and the date and time of the call, I think Jena can have an answer for us in ten minutes.”

“Tell her to make it five.”

Caleb nodded. “Will do.”

* * * *

Emma threw the phone to the floor. “No. No. No. This can’t be happening.”

“What can’t be happening, Em?” Larry stood in the doorway to her office holding a folder. “Are you hearing them again?”

“W–What are you doing here?” She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

He bent down and retrieved her damaged cell. “We need to talk.”

“How did you know where to find me?”

“I stopped in at your mom’s old diner. One of the waitresses told me you were working here. There was no one in the front office, so I made myself at home and looked around until I found you. Nameplate on the door. Very nice, Em. Big job. Good for you.”

“I know you didn’t come all the way from North Dakota to congratulate me, Larry. What do you want to talk about?”

“I told you I would be there for you and our girls and I meant it.” Larry sat down in the chair Mac had just vacated ten minutes ago.

Emma’s heart was thudding in her chest and in her temples. The voices had returned soon after Bane and Adam had dropped her off. She didn’t know why her two Marines were able to keep her dead sisters at bay, but somehow they were. But she knew even if the guys agreed to be with her twenty-four hours a day, that wasn’t really possible. That wasn’t living. They had jobs with the FBI. They had goals and dreams. Her goals would never be realized. Her dreams had all turned to nightmares.

Larry held out her cell to her. “Have a seat, honey.”

She sat down without taking back her phone. I never want to touch that thing again.

He placed it and the folder on her desk. “Em, you need help.”

“I know that, Larry.”

“I’ve got a friend who works with people with mental illness. He is employed at the state hospital.”

She shook her head. “I already told you I’m not going back to North Dakota.”

“I know you did, but Em, you and I both know what happened to your sisters.” He reached across the desk for her hand, but she pulled it back. “Think about our girls.”