ff Champion shrugged. “The cartel’s rationale isn’t something anyone can understand, least of all me. Likely, they think Malcolm bragged to you and Trent about the four hundred thousand dollars he’d stolen from them. In their eyes, why wouldn’t he? Winters planned on killing you.”

“And we would’ve been dead if the Masters hadn’t shown up when they did.”

“That’s true,” he said. “I want you to be careful, Danielle. There’s been no sign of the cartel in Wilde, but I’d like to assign a bodyguard to you.”

“I’m fine, Sheriff. I can take care of myself.” I’ve been doing it my whole life.

“I’m worried about you.”

“I appreciate your concern, but I have a gun of my own.”

“Most in Wilde do.” He grinned. “This might be the best armed town in all of America.”

“Sheriff, I really don’t want some man following me around town like a puppy dog. I promise to keep my eyes open. If you and Austin get wind of someone from the cartel coming to town, I will reconsider your offer.”

“That’s just it, Danielle. We don’t know when they might be coming. Better to have the drop on them before they have the drop on us, if you get my meaning.” He leaned forward. “Which brings me to my next reason for having you come here. I did a little digging myself on you and Trent.”

Her heart skipped a beat. “What for?”

“I know you aren’t who you say you are, Danielle. Why?”

She closed her eyes. Wilde had been the longest stop for her since turning twelve. The year before coming here, she’d lived in three different cities. The year before that, five. She’d even started imagining that she would be able to stay for good. Not possible. Not now.

“Danielle, I want to help.” The sheriff was a very kind man.

She opened her eyes and looked at the sheriff. Wayne Champion was like the dad she’d never had. His sons, all pillars in Wilde, adored him. For the first time in her life, she knew she’d found a man she could trust.

Taking a deep breath, she began. “My real name is Danielle Roberson. I ran away from home when I was twelve.”

She told him everything—every horrific detail of why she kept her real identity secret. Tears rolled down her cheeks as the memories flooded out of her.

He came around his desk and pulled her into an embrace. “Sweetheart, I understand. Don’t worry. Everything is going to be okay. I’ll see to it.”

“Please, Sheriff. Don’t tell anyone. I don’t want my family to find me. Ever.”

“I won’t. Your secret is safe with me.”

* * * *

Just as the jet hit some turbulence, Lance Archer threw the football to his friend and he stumbled back to his seat.

Their pilot’s voice came over the speaker. “Sorry, sirs.”

“No worries.” Chuck, still on his feet, held the football they’d been tossing to each other during the flight. “When will we be landing?”

“Another hour, Mr. Covington. I would suggest you buckle in. I’m expecting it to be a bumpy ride from here on.”

“How many times do I have to tell you, Lyle, not to call him ‘Mr. Covington.’” Lance always enjoyed a chance to tease. “Call him Chuck.”

“Yes, sir, Mr. Archer.”

“Don’t you dare, Lyle,” Chuck said firmly. “There’s only one person in the world that gets away with that.”

Their pilot of the past five years laughed. “I know, sir. I know. I’ll let you know when we are ten minutes from approach.”

“Thanks.” Lance turned to his best friend in the world. “Great catch during the turbulence, bro. Toss it over.”

Chuck lobbed the ball to him. “Buddy, you’ve got to stop trying to get everyone to call me by that nickname.”