Lance and Chuck were sweeping and mopping the place.

“Dey did? Dey’re not from here.” Carlotta studied them for a moment, her eyes softening. “I’m so sorry, Danielle. I vas late. I had a flat tire. I had to call Deuce to help me.”

“That’s okay. As you can see, we handled it.”

“You and dese two fine-looking men did a vonderful job.” Carlotta looked at her with knowing eyes. Clearly, the woman could see the attraction she had for them. Maybe she is really psychic. “Danielle, how much did ve make?”

“I was about to run the hourly report,” she told her. “Let’s see.” When the figure showed up on the cash register’s screen, her jaw dropped. It was nearly twice the normal take.

“Dat is amazing. Da dree of you handled dat kind of volume by yourselves?”

“Us and the cook, Little Chuck.” Lance walked over to them. “You must be Carlotta.”

“Da vone and only,” her boss told him. “Carlotta Angelina Bianca Sollomovici.”

“That’s Big Chuck, ma’am, the one with the mop in his hand. His real name is Charles Covington. I’m Lance Archer.”

“I see. Dank you. I’m sure you two must be hungry.”

“Starving,” he said as Chuck walked up next to him.

“Den I must remedy dat. How vould you like a big juicy steak? It’s da least I can do for da help you gave sveet Danielle.”

“I would love that.”

“Excellent,” Carlotta headed to the swinging door to the kitchen. “Have a seat. How do you like your steaks?”

Lance smiled broadly. “Medium, for me.”

“Well done, thank you.” Chuck sat down in a booth.

“Very good. I vill bring you some applications to fill out. I could use two strong men like you at my diner.”

Chuck shrugged. “But ma’am—”

“No buts about it, young man. You’ve proved your vorth to me. I’ve made up my mind about dis.”

Lance slid into the booth, sitting across from Chuck.

“And I vant to give you both a free reading. I’m a psychic, you know.”

They both shook their heads. Carlotta had them under her spell, which made her giggle again.

“No arguing, understand?” She didn’t wait for a response as she headed into the kitchen.

“That was fun,” Chuck said.

“I agree, buddy. We haven’t had this much fun in years. Didn’t you just love the people?”

“They’re amazing.” Lance placed a wad of bills on the table. “You and I worked at five-star restaurants and never made this kind of money.”

Chuck brought out his tips, adding them to Lance’s. “I know. There’s got to be at least nine hundred dollars there.”

Danielle was shocked to see the pile. “Wilde folks are very generous. I’ve always made good tips, but nothing like this.”

“I told you, Danielle,” Lance said. “We’re experienced waiters. Service with a smile.”

He and Chuck pushed the money toward her. “This is for you.”