“Iced tea it is.” Without waiting for a response, she turned on her heels and headed to the drink station. She glanced back at their table and her eyes locked in to the hungry stares of Lance and Charles.

She shook her head. Just because they are rich, I guess they think they can have anything or anyone they want. I’ll show them a thing or two.

Bringing the three glasses of tea back to their table, she looked them straight in the eyes.

“Don’t we get our sugar, sweetheart? That’s what I ordered.” The one named Charles winked.

This is the last straw. Pretending to stumble, she tilted the tray with the glasses, sending them and their contents to the table. The tea splashed, covering Lance and Charles, with a few drops hitting Michael.

“I’m so sorry, gentlemen.” She was unable to hide her smile. “Let me get something to clean up this mess.”

Michael burst into laughter. “You don’t mess with Wilde women, guys. I warned you.”

Justin came up behind her. “Everything okay, Danielle?”

She giggled and nodded. “I’m fine.”

The looks on the faces of Lance and Charles were priceless. But their shock quickly turned to laughter, too.

Justin turned his attention to the two new arrivals. “And you gentlemen are?”

Michael slapped the table, lost to his hysterics. “The cavalry has arrived.” He turned to Lance and Charles. “I also told you how protective the men of Wilde are about the women around here. Now you’re in for it.” Another round of laughter from Michael sent her into a fit of giggles until tears were rolling down her cheeks.

Justin didn’t laugh.

“I guess we got what we deserved.” Charles stood and extended his hand to Justin. “I’m Charles Covington, sir. This is my friend and business partner, Lance Archer. We are friends of Michael.”

Justin shook hands with him. “I’m Justin Champion. Looks like Danielle has everything under control here. That is, if she can stop laughing.”

“I–I–I can’t breathe,” she said, trying to stifle her giggles.

Lance stood and walked next to her. “I guess we got started on the wrong foot.”

“Let me help you clean this up,” Charles told her.

“We’ll both help her, Chuck.”

“Chuck?” She grinned. “That’s the name of our cook. Perhaps you can handle the kitchen, too.”

“I’ve got it,” Michael said. “You two should talk to Carlotta about getting jobs at the diner. I’m sure you would make excellent waitresses. That way, you could spend time with Danielle. That’s probably the only way you’ll get to.” Once again, he burst into laughter.

“Shut up, Chamberlain. Tell him, Chuck.” Lance smiled. “This is ridiculous.”

“My name is Charles, not Chuck.” The brown-eyed hunk glared at his friend.

“I actually like the name Chuck,” she confessed.

“Then I’m Chuck from now on.” He grinned. “After we help you clean up the tea, may we stay and order something to eat, miss?”

“I think that will be just fine, but keep in mind, I’m even better with mashed potatoes.”

“Oh my God. That would be funny.” Michael howled. “I can see it now.”

She cracked up, delirious in the hilarity of the moment.

Justin joined in the fun and started to chuckle. The laughter was extremely contagious. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d laughed so hard. It felt good.

“Come with me, you two. I’ll get you a towel to dry off with.”