She couldn’t believe her eyes, seeing all the roses around the room. It was the most beautiful place she’d ever seen, but the flowers reminded her of their very beginning together. She turned and kissed each of them passionately. “This makes me so happy. I feel so at home now.”

Lance pulled her in tight. “We wanted this to be special for you, baby.”

“I’m glad you like it.” Chuck stroked her hair.

She grinned and placed her hands on her hips. “You’re not off the hook yet, guys. I love you, but I believe I told you I like sex. So let’s get back to BDSM.”

“You’re being quite sassy, baby.” Chuck’s deep tone took on a dominance that she instantly responded to. “We’ve told you a lot about the life. What happens to a submissive when she’s bratty?”

“The problem is that all you do is talk. I think I know more about how things work than a lot of people practicing the lifestyle. I am ready.”

Lance smiled. “You think so?”


He cupped her breasts. “Really?” His deepening tone sent a shiver up and down her spine.

She nodded.

“What do you think, Chuck? Is our girl ready for a demonstration?”

“Let me call Austin and see if the room we reserved for tomorrow night is available now.”

She grinned, realizing they’d already planned everything for her introduction into BDSM. “You are both devils.”

“No. We are your Doms, honey.” Chuck kissed her, making her toes curl and her belly flip-flop. “I told you we would know when you were ready to dip your toe in the

water of our life. It turns out you’re ready to dive in headfirst. Hello, Austin. This is Chuck.”

As Chuck made plans for them to go to the club, Lance pinched her nipples, delivering a sting that made her tingle from head to toe with excitement.

“Don’t forget who is in charge, sweetheart.” Lance’s Dom side was coming through loud and clear.

She trembled, remembering all the discussions they’d had about protocols. “I won’t forget, Sir.”

The smile that spread across his face warmed her insides nicely.

“Come here, sub.”

She did, and he led her to the largest closet she’d ever seen, complete with a vanity and full-length mirror. Seeing it on the architect’s plans was one thing, but seeing it finished was another. “This is much bigger than the bedroom in my old house.”

“And it’s all yours, baby. Chuck and I will share the other closet.” From one of the shelves he grabbed a gift-wrapped package. He handed it to her. “This is for you.”

She opened the box and found a sexy one-piece outfit made of black leather with a zipper that ran from top to bottom in the back. Also inside was a pair of stilettos to match. “You already bought this for me?”

“Yes.” He kissed her. “Put it on, now.”

Chuck got off the phone. “A day earlier than we planned to take you to the club, but you’re a naughty, impatient girl who needs to learn her lesson.”

She giggled. “Yes, I am, Sir. Yes, I am.”

* * * *

Walking into The Masters’ Chambers, Danielle tugged on the too-short skirt that Lance and Chuck had bought for her. The cool air on her exposed skin excited her, but still she was nervous. She knew that anyone could see she wasn’t wearing panties—another requirement by her two Doms.

They stood protectively on either side of her as they approached the desk of the reception area.

Austin sat behind the desk. “Everything is ready. All I need is yours and your sub’s signatures.”