“Yes. Exactly.”

“You think she’ll agree to that?”

“I think we should talk to all three of the ladies first, but I know that’s what they need. There is still much catching up to do and healing to come.”

“Chuck, that’s why you’re the brains and I’m the pretty one.”

“I’m the brains and the pretty one, Lance,” he teased. “You know that.”

Chapter Fifteen

Danielle stood in front of the old Wilde Mansion. “I can’t believe this is actually our home.”

“I’m just glad we finally get to move in.” Chuck sighed. They’d all grown anxious over the past few weeks. “I was getting tired of hotel living.”

“Don’t tell Maude Strong that.” Lance had enjoyed the room service at the Hotel Cactus much more than the rest of them. “She is very proud of her new hotel.”

“The new Cactus is very nice, but it’s not the same as being in your own place.” Chuck pulled Danielle in tight, turning to her mom and Pauline. “Don’t you ladies agree?”

Her mom nodded. The bruises on the outside had healed, but Danielle knew it would be some time before the bruises on the inside would.

She grabbed her mother’s hand and squeezed.

Pauline, who looked ten years younger since they had sprung her from the retirement center, headed up the steps. “I completely agree with you, Charles.” Pauline was the only one left that called Chuck by his given name. He seemed to actually like it from her.

Since bringing her back to Wilde, the dear lady had reunited with her cousin, Pappy Jack, and had met the rest of her extended family. She looked more vibrant than ever. Wilde did that to a woman.

“Shall we see inside?” Lance asked.

“Definitely.” Danielle went up the stairs to the entrance of the grand home.

I’m going to be living in a mansion. An actual mansion.

They walked through the double doors to the foyer, which had the most beautiful, sweeping staircase she’d ever seen. It could’ve been featured in Architectural Digest or one of those other home design magazines.

Chuck offered his arm to her mother and Pauline. “Shall I escort you to your rooms, ladies?”

Her mother shook her head. “We’ve been here during the remodeling, son. Pauline and I can find our way. I think you three should take the tour together. We’ll catch up with you later.”

Danielle put her arms around her mother. “Thanks, Mom.”

“You’re welcome, sweetheart.” Her mom and Pauline walked hand in hand to the back of the house where their bedrooms were. They even shared a bath and a sitting room. It was good to see how wonderfully they were getting along. Forgiveness did heal deep wounds.

“What do you want to see first, baby?” Chuck always put her needs and wants before his. Loving him and Lance was like breathing now.

She giggled. “Our bedroom, of course.”

Lance kissed her. “We thought you might.”

“No time like the present.” Chuck pressed his lips to hers.

She walked between them up the stairs to their bedroom. “I think we better call this the Masters’ bedroom, as in plural, don’t you agree? There are two of you.”

Chuck grinned. “Not so subtle, baby.”

“What do you mean?” She feigned innocence, but knew he was seeing right through her.

“You know exactly what I mean,” he said firmly as they walked into the bedroom.