“I honestly thought you wanted to give me away, but you were only trying to protect me.”

“I lied to him, Danielle. Those words I told him were lies.”

She remembered them as if it were yesterday. “I thought you hated me.”

Her mother shook her head. “I love you. I’ve never stopped loving you. Miguel knew I was lying and refused to let you go. Every bruise he gave you crushed my heart, but I remained quiet, praying for a way to escape the monster one day. I had no money, no friends, no family. Miguel made sure it stayed that way. I only had you. Many of Miguel’s family members were powerful drug dealers. Still are. Miguel could turn to them whenever he needed. If I ran away with you, they would find us. I couldn’t stand up to such evil men by myself. I was alone. I wish I could’ve been brave like you, Danielle. I never was. Ever. After your daddy died, I went crazy. He was my rock. Without him, I have been lost. I hope you can someday forgive me for all I’ve done to ruin your life.”

“I want you to know that my life isn’t ruined.” She knew two amazing men who loved her were standing on the other side of the door. “My life is just fine. Everything you told me is opposite of what I believed was true. I need time to process all of this.”

“I understand, Danielle.”

She was seeing her mom in a different light. Could they rebuild their relationship? Was it even possible after everything that had happened? For the first time in a very long time, Danielle wanted to try. “You say you weren’t brave, but I think you’re wrong. We were in that hell together.”

“When you ran away my heart broke, but I was glad you were free of Miguel. His family tried to find you, but they never did. I prayed every night you would be kept safe because you were only twelve years old when you left.”

“Where do we go from here, Mother?”

“I have agreed to be a witness against the Rio Grande cartel. I have many sins to make right, but I want to start living a better life.”

“What do you know about the cartel?”

“I was the prisoner of its leader, Miguel’s cousin, Ricardo Delgado. After Miguel went to prison, Ricardo came to me and told me he wanted to take care of me because I was family. I was such a fool to believe him. I moved in with Ricardo, and I soon realized my mistake. The bastard used me any way he saw fit. He believed he could control Miguel once he got out of the pen. I knew better.”

“No one can trust the cartel. They don’t even trust each other.”

Her mother nodded. “The other day, Miguel came to Ricardo and mentioned your name in front of me. I had no idea that Ricardo had already found you. I had to see you, so I snuck out. I told no one, but one of the cartel’s men caught me and took me to Miguel. I begged him to let me go. When Miguel told me he knew where you were, I asked him to take me to you. That was just one more mistake of mine to add to the pile. After we arrived at your house, he broke in and made me his prisoner. Miguel is dead, but Ricardo is just as evil. Whatever I can do to make sure he goes away for good, I will do. I want to make things right.”

“Mother, you need to forgive yourself. Miguel was the monster, not you. He was the one who beat me. He was the one who threatened to kill you and me. He was the one who murdered Pauline.”

“What? Pauline isn’t dead, Danielle.”

Her jaw dropped. “I saw Miguel hit her over the head and she fell to the floor.”

“Baby, that did happen but she survived. As Miguel cleaned out the place, I was able to call 911 without him knowing it. When we heard the sirens, he thought you had called the police. We left poor Pauline on the floor and rushed back to our apartment.”

“That doesn’t mean Pauline survived, mother. Didn’t Miguel go to prison for her murder?”


nbsp; “Not for her murder but for another.” Her mother sighed. “Miguel was trying to move up in the cartel and to impress his father, who was a general in the organization. Long after you ran away, Miguel took me to Ruidoso, New Mexico. At a bar, Miguel bumped into a guy who he knew owed the cartel money. Right in front of me and several other witnesses, Miguel shot the man in cold blood. That’s why the bastard went to prison. I was shocked that he got out so early, but I shouldn’t have been. Miguel’s family is known for their bribes to judges and elected officials. I’m sure they got him out early on a technicality.”

She wondered what other horrors her mother had suffered because of that fucker. “I had no idea.”

“Pauline did survive, Danielle. I called the hospital and lied, saying I was her daughter from out of state and wanted to know her condition. Without Pauline’s knowledge, I’ve kept tabs on her ever since.”

Danielle felt tears well up in her eyes. “She’s really alive?”

“She lives in Arizona in a retirement community.”

“I have to see her, mother.”

Chapter Fourteen

In less than an hour, the guys’ jet would be landing in Phoenix. The book Pauline had given Danielle was in her lap. She couldn’t wait to see the dear lady who had been like a grandmother to her. They’d called the retirement home but Pauline had been sleeping. The staff had assured them they would tell Pauline that visitors were coming.

I hope she remembers me. The woman was the best part of her past. Pauline was family.

Lance and Chuck were making this trip possible, and she loved them all the more for it.