“You need

a doctor. You’re bleeding.” Michael needs one, too, and probably Harry does as well.

“So?” He pointed to his shoulder. “This gunshot wound that old lady at your house gave me didn’t keep me down.”

“So you were the guy on the motorcycle. Maude shot you.” Keep him talking, Danielle.

“Now you’re getting it.” His lips twisted in a horrible grin. “All fixed up and good as new. You can’t keep me down, Danielle. You can’t stop me. Haven’t you learned anything, or are you as stupid as you were before? Now, you either tell me where the book is or I will start shooting. First in your legs. Then in your arms. If that doesn’t get you talking, I will kill this motherfucker on the floor. I can make this easy or I can make this hard. The choice is yours.”

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Michael slowly reaching for her purse, which had fallen to the floor. He’s going for the gun. “Okay. I’ll tell you, but you need to calm down.”

“I’m very calm. On the count of three,” the creep said. “One.”

Michael’s fingers were touching the clasp of her purse.

“It’s in the kitchen,” she blurted out, hoping to buy time.

“You never were a very good liar. Two.”

Her heart jumped up in her throat. “Wait. Don’t do this. Please. It’s at my house. You told me to take it there.”

Miguel glared at her. “I told you to take it there. Who has it?”

“Lance and Chuck,” she confessed, seeing Michael’s hand go into her purse.

Miguel stepped to the side and stomped on Michael’s wrist. She heard bones cracking.

Michael groaned in pain.

“Good try, amigo.” Miguel kept his foot on Michael’s wrist, but turned his attention back to her.

Miguel was no longer between her and the door. She wanted to run to it, but knew he would shoot her before she could make her escape for help.

“Now I don’t need you anymore. Your fuck buddies have my book. A delay, but I will get it. Time to rid the world of a worthless piece of shit. Good-bye, daughter.” He aimed his gun at her head.

I’m going to die and he’s going to hunt down Lance and Chuck. I’m so sorry, my loves.

Miguel’s eyes narrowed. “Three.”

Suddenly, Lance and Chuck appeared in the doorway, their weapons drawn.

Miguel saw them, too, and aimed his pistol their direction.

She screamed.

Before Miguel got off a shot, Lance and Chuck fired their guns, hitting the bastard in the chest and gut.

Miguel’s eyes widened and his lips parted just before he crashed to the floor.

Chapter Thirteen

Lance checked Miguel’s pulse. The fucker who had tried to kill Danielle was dead.

She bent down next to Michael. “Call for an ambulance. He’s been shot.”

“Check on Harry,” Michael choked out. “We heard shots before that fucker came in here.”

His face was pale. He’d lost a lot of blood.