“Oh my God, Michael. Have you lost your way?” Lance held out his hand. “I want your party card right now. You sound like one of those uptight suits Chuck and I dealt with in New York when we first started A&C.”

“We all have to grow up sometime, Lance. Even you.” Michael smiled. “You are two of my best friends. Your money would be appreciated, but isn’t required. I just wanted you to see my town for yourselves.” He pointed out the window to a sign by a turnoff. “That’s The Masters’ Chambers, the local BDSM club.”

That shocked him. “Way out here? In rural Nevada?”

“I’m telling you guys, this place is special. For instance, the normal family makeup is not one guy and one girl.”

“You mean it’s a gay town?” Lance asked.

Michael laughed. “Not exactly, though people in Wilde accept gays completely. Most families consist of multiple partners. One of the most common is two men and one woman.”

Lance nodded. “Now you’re talking my kind of language.”

“I remember you two liked to share,” Michael said. “Do you still?”

“We do.” Chuck had never dreamed that he and Lance would ever be able to share a woman beyond a night or two. He’d always thought that one day they would have to go their separate ways to wives and lives of their own. Listening to Michael talk about his new town, he wondered if there was a chance of having a different kind of life, one where his best friend in the world could build a family with him.

“Tell us more, Michael.” Lance’s curiosity was certainly as peaked as his. “Tell us everything.”

“I think it’s time for you to see for yourselves. I’m sure you’re both hungry. Let’s start your tour at Norma’s, the local diner. They serve up the best pancakes you’ve ever tasted in your life. They call them King Cakes, for Elvis Presley, who visited Wilde years ago.”

Chapter Two

With her mind still on what the sheriff had told her, Danielle started a new pot of coffee. It had felt good to talk to someone about her past after all these years. Sheriff Champion had promised to keep her secret, and she believed he would.

The diner was thinning out like normal this time of day, but the next shift in the silver mine was about to start. No time to rest. They had about thirty minutes until those ending their shift would arrive at the diner to be fed. Anna, the other waitress, had struggled through the rush, clearly under the weather with allergies or a cold. Danielle had suggested she go home, but the stubborn woman refused.

Justin Champion, one of the sheriff’s sons, sat in a booth by himself. He was on his third cup of coffee. She had an idea as to why he was here, away from his wife, Shelby.

Danielle walked over with a pitcher of water. “Tell me the truth, Justin. Your dad sent you here to keep an eye out for me, right?”

He shrugged. “What can I tell you? My dad thinks the world of you, Danielle. I’m first shift. Besides, haven’t you heard? I’m the new deputy in Wilde.”

“I hadn’t. When did that happen?”

“We kept it quiet for a while. Dad wanted to make sure I was happy with my decision. When I assured him I was, he swore me in. That was just a couple of days ago.”

“What about the rodeo school you and Deuce are running for boys? Will you have time for it still with your new duties?”

“Sure will. When we have a class in town, Dad will give me the week off.”

“How long will you be my bodyguard?”

“For as long as necessary. Brandon will take second shift after he gets out of court. Alex has agreed to the third shift.”

“How long can you guys keep that up? A few days? A week? Shelby isn’t going to want her men away for too long, will she?”

“Shelby knows about the cartel’s interest in you. She’s glad we can help.”

“Who is helping Mackenzie’s brother? Does Trent have bodyguards, too?” Danielle hated what Mackenzie’s brother had been through. Trent had been Malcolm’s prisoner for much longer than she had. She couldn’t imagine the torture Trent had endured.

“Yes. The Masters brothers have stepped up for the job of keeping an eye out for their new brother-in-law.”

“I’m sure Mackenzie is happy about that.”

“She is,” Justin said. “We’re all going to support him for however long it takes. It’s going to be a long road before Trent is back to normal.”

“A very long road. I can’t get over how this place circles the wagons whenever they think someone is in trouble.”