“Hell yes, baby.” He lifted her into his arms. “Where have you been all my life, angel?”

“I didn’t know it, honey,” she said, “but I was looking for you and Lance. Now, I’ve found you both.”

“And we found you.” He kissed her, devouring her lips and sending his tongue into her sweet mouth. He placed her gorgeous body on the bed next to Lance. “It

’s clear that you two will be trouble whenever you are out of my sight.” He grinned and began undressing.

“That’ll teach you to leave us alone.” Her sauciness was just one of the things he adored about her. “Who knows what else we will cook up if you do?”

Lance smiled. “You gotta like how she thinks, buddy.”

“Oh, I do.” He crawled onto the bed, positioning her between him and Lance. “Come here, you little conniving vixen.”

She rolled on her side, facing him. “Like this?”

“Exactly like that.” He cupped Danielle’s chin. “I want every ounce of your one-hundred-and-nine-pound, sensual body tonight.” He caressed her breasts, which were the most perfect pair he’d ever seen or touched in his life. Everything about Danielle was flawless. “Face Lance for me, baby. I want to get your pretty little ass ready for me.”

She nodded, and he helped her onto her other side.

“Don’t hold back anything, sweetheart.”

“I won’t. I’m yours.” Her words went straight to his need, enflaming it even more.

Lance moved his hand down her body.

Chuck loved seeing her sweet shiver.

“Buddy, she’s nice and wet for us.”

Chuck nodded and applied lubricant to her soft virgin ass.

Lance began sucking on her nipples, and her breaths turned to pants.

Knowing he needed to take extra time and care with Danielle, since this would be her first time with anal sex, he gently massaged her anus.

After a few minutes, she began to moan. Starting to put a finger into her bottom, Chuck felt her tense.

“It’s okay, baby.” He couldn’t get over how sweet and innocent she was. “I won’t hurt you. Trust me. You will enjoy what I have in store for you.”

“I will?”

He kissed the back of her neck. “Yes, you will.”

“I trust you both.”

It thrilled him to hear her say those words. The strength that resided inside her amazed him. She’d survived so much, and now she was his—his to pleasure, to protect, and to love.

“Don’t stop breathing.” He sent a single digit into her ass, pressing forward only when he could sense her relaxing. Slowly, he claimed a fraction of an inch at a time. Finally, when he heard her moan, he slipped his finger the rest of the way into her hot body.

She gasped.

“Breathe, baby. Breathe.”

She nodded and began pushing back into his hand, letting him know she was ready for his cock, and he was ready to claim her ass.

He parted her cheeks and shifted his hips until the tip of his dick was touching her anus. “Ready, baby?”

“Uh-huh,” she answered meekly.