Michael kissed him. “Honey, I’ll be up in a few minutes.”

Danielle yawned. “I think I’m ready for bed, too.”

Lance stood and pulled out her chair for her.

Chuck nodded. “I’ll finish my beer and be right in.”

“Good. I’ve got something I want to discuss with you.” Michael clearly still had something on his mind. He’d invited him and Chuck to Wilde for some other reason that had been put aside because of all that was happening with Danielle. Chuck would get all the details.

Lance walked into the bedroom with Danielle. Life had never been better. He was happy, really happy, and the reason was standing next to him.

Sheepishly, Danielle looked up at him. “Can I ask you a question?”

God, she is adorable. It was clear to him that she had the heart of a submissive. He couldn’t wait to introduce her to the life, but it wasn’t time. Not just yet, anyway. “Honey, you can ask me anything.”

“I care about you and Chuck the same. You do realize that?”

He touched her cheek. Her face was so soft, so beautiful. “I do, and you know we care about you, too, right?”

She nodded. “But my first time was with you. I know Chuck made love to me right after, but you took my virginity, not him.”

“Yes, baby.” She’d given him the most precious gift a woman could give a man. He couldn’t get over it.

Her lip began to tremble ever so slightly.

He pulled her in close. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m not sure. I never dreamed I would like having sex so much, but you two make me want it every time I look at you.”

“It’s not just sex, baby, it’s making love. You’ve set off desires in us we’ve never experienced before.”

“But how can I let Chuck know he’s just as important to me as you?”

“You mean because I was the one you gave your virginity to. Now you’re afraid he will think he’s a third wheel…or something like that?”

“Sort of. I just want him to realize how much he means to me. But I can’t give him my virginity. Do I sound crazy?”

He stroked her hair. “Not at all. What if I told you that you could give him something that would be very special, something that would be another first for you, another kind of virginity?”

“I don’t understand.”

She was so sweet, so innocent. He loved her with all his heart. “Sit on the bed and let me tell you my idea. Chuck will love it. I promise.”

* * * *

Chuck finished his beer. “You were right about this town, Michael. It gets in your blood fast.”

“I told you it would. So what do you think about my idea?”

“I never thought about owning a television station before, but it is intriguing, especially with the call letters K-I-N-K.”

Michael smiled. “This is Wilde, Chuck. They do things differently around here.”

“Yes, they do.” Putting down roots here made sense to him. “Let me talk to Lance and Danielle about it.”

“Lance…and Danielle?” Michael clearly approved. Always the matchmaker. “I like the sound of that, my friend.”

“I do, too, Michael. More than you know.”