Chuck’s jaw dropped. “You’re kidding.”

“Oh my God.” Danielle looked at Carlotta with a new level of respect and belief. She was the real thing.

“Hello, dad. Can I call you back? I’m in a meeting. Sure. Thanks.”

“He’s getting back into the pool now, Lance.” Carlotta looked up from her crystal ball. “I told you da spirits wanted me to come tonight. Chuck, shall I dial in your parents’ place?”

“I suppose so, but by the look on Lance’s face, I’m sure that won’t be a problem for you.”

“No problem at all.” Carlotta’s attention returned to the reflective surface. “They are in bed, enjoying—”

“That’s all I need to know, Carlotta.” Chuck put his hands over his eyes as if he was able to see what was inside the crystal ball, too. “Let them have their privacy.”

Carlotta nodded. “I suppose you’re right. What about your parents, Danielle?”

She felt the giant hole inside her that had been there since the day she’d run away. “No. Please don’t.”

“Da spirits believe I should, but I will honor your vishes. Let’s see vhat else is in store for da dhree of you.” Carlotta closed her eyes and hummed for a few moments. Then she gazed into the orb once again. “Da spirits show much love in your lives. A bright future, full of happiness and joy. You belong togedher. I see children playing around you.”

Danielle couldn’t help but smile. “Children?”

“I like what you’re seeing, Carlotta.” Lance put his arm around Danielle’s shoulder.

Chuck squeezed her leg. “How many, Carlotta?”

“Wait.” Carlotta’s eyes were filled with worry. “Someone is coming. Someone dangerous.” She sighed. “I’m sorry. Da vision is gone.”

“Whoever is coming will have to face me and Chuck.” Lance patted his gun, which was holstered to his side. “We won’t let anything happen to Danielle.”

“I know.” Carlotta took off her turban. “You are meant for each odher. You vill protect her.”

Chuck stood, checking the windows and doors. “Yes, we will protect Danielle.”

“I must get back to da diner, children.”

“Thank you for coming.” She gave the sweet fortune-teller a hug.

Carlotta turned to Lance and Chuck, kissing them both on the cheek. “Good-night.”

After she walked out the door, Danielle turned to Lance and Chuck. “That was amazing.”

Chuck smiled. “She is a true psychic. I’m a believer from here on out.”

“How can any of us not be?” Lance shook his head. “I always suspected there were things invisible and supernatural that couldn’t be explained, but now I know it for a fact. My God, that thing with my dad and him calling blew my mind.”

“Mine, too.” Danielle sat down on the sofa. “My head is swirling with all she told us.”

“Mine, too.” Lance stepped in front of her. “How about a glass of wine, baby?”

“I would love one.”

After Lance brought all of them drinks, he sat down on one side of her and Chuck on the other.

“How often do you talk to your dad, Lance?” What kind of parents did he and Chuck have?

“Almost every day. Dad and mom have always been my biggest cheerleaders.” It was evident how much he cared for his parents. “We weren’t rich. Dad worked for the water department and mom cleaned houses. We didn’t have much but we always had fun.”

“Any brothers or sisters?”