Austin had told her and the sheriff about the death of Soliz, the man who likely had stolen the four hundred thousand dollars from the cartel.

“Why would they send someone to my house, then?” Danielle’s heart was thudding hard in her chest. She prayed Maude was okay. “It doesn’t make any sense.”

“That’s the question I want answered,” Austin said. “They may believe you were in on it.”

The sheriff parked the car in front. She saw Alex’s vehicle and Justin’s truck. Maude’s car was in the driveway.

They all ran to the front door, which was ajar.

Inside her house was Maude, who was sitting in a chair in her kitchen. Alex was dressing her right arm. Justin, wearing gloves, was checking out the back door.

She rushed to Maude’s side. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, Danielle. You should see the other guy, though. He fired first. Knocked me to the ground, but I got off a shot before he ran away. Hit him in the shoulder.”

“Is she really okay, Alex?”

“She is. Maude is tough as nails. This is only a flesh wound.”

“Dad, looks like the guy picked the lock,” Justin said.

“Dust it for prints, son. I need to get a statement from you, Maude. You up to it?”

“Wayne, you heard the doc. I’m tough. I want to get this guy as much as anyone. I came over to fix Danielle’s leaky faucet. When I parked my car and saw a motorcycle on the side of the house, I knew something was not right. I wrote down the plate’s number. It’s in my purse. I also pulled out my gun.”

“Mom, are you okay?” Seth Strong ran in with Charly and Heath.

“I’m fine, son. Just giving my statement to the sheriff. Hold on and let me finish.”

Charly knelt in front of Maude and grabbed her hand. “Oh my God. What happened to your arm?”

“I was shot, but this old broad is still hunky-dory. Don’t worry. Doc will fix me up good as new. Let me finish with my story, okay.” Maude turned back to the sheriff. “Like I was saying. I saw the motorcycle and knew something was up. So, I pulled out my—”

“Where’s my wife?” Greg Strong ran in with Grant, Maude’s other husband, behind him.

“I’m right here.”

The two men rushed to her side.

Grant touched her cheek. “Baby, we just heard.”

“Are you okay, sweetheart?” Greg placed his hand on her shoulder.

“Yes, honey. I’m perfectly fine. The guy only grazed me.”

“Thank God.” Grant kissed her.

Both Maude’s husbands were tough as nails, but Danielle could tell they were shaken by what had happened to their wife.

Greg stroked her hair. “This was too close, sweetheart. Did you wait for the sheriff? No, of course you didn’t. No more taking chances like this one. Understand?”

She winked. “Okay, honey. Let me finish giving the sheriff my statement, please.”

“Go ahead,” Greg said.

“Where was I? I pulled out my gun and walked to the door.”

“I knew it,” Greg stated, kissing her cheek. “I’m not letting you out of my sight anymore.”