Chuck looked at the text from Michael. He and Harry were coming back early. Once they’d learned about the car incident with Danielle, they’d wrapped up their business at Lake Tahoe fast. He would be glad to have the two back in Wilde. With all that was going on with Danielle, he wanted good friends by his side.

He and Lance grabbed a cup of coffee and asked Carlotta to sit down with them in the booth by the window.

“As you already know, we are Danielle’s bodyguards until all of this is settled.” Chuck looked into the dear lady’s eyes and saw such compassion and concern for Danielle.

“We’ve talked to Sheriff Champion. She is with him now. The sheriff, Lance, and I think it’s not safe for her to work after that car incident.”

“I agree vith you, completely.” Carlotta had such a big heart. “I love dhat girl very much. She is like a daughter to me.”

“We care for her, too.” The change in Lance was evident.

The truth was both he and Lance had been transformed completely since meeting Danielle. She was the reason for the about-face in their lives. What was once gray was now full of color. What was dull was now full of excitement. He hadn’t laughed so much with anyone in years. He was even pondering what it would be like to be with her after everything with Soto and the cartel came to an end.

He couldn’t imagine Danielle not being in his life—not being with her. Even now, he missed Danielle, though he and Lance had only left her ten minutes ago at the sheriff’s office.

“I see in both your eyes something very interesting.” Carlotta tapped on the counter. “I must read you both. And Danielle. Da spirits are restless. I can feel dhey have messages for da dhree of you. I vill come over to Danielle’s tonight. I vill bring my cards and my crystal ball. Dis is not up for negotiation, gentlemen.”

“We wouldn’t dream of trying to stop you.” Lance leaned forward. “Actually, I’m a big believer in the spirits.”

“I know, but Chuck is not. Correct?”

“That’s true,” Chuck admitted. “But if anyone could convince me otherwise, Carlotta, I am sure it would be you.”

She laughed. “You are right about dhat, Mr. Covington. Vhich one of you vill take Danielle’s shift today?”

“That will be me,” Lance said.

Austin walked into the diner, his face darkening. The man had a presence that filled any room he entered. “What are you two doing here? Where is Danielle?”

“She’s vith Sheriff Champion, Mr. Vilde. She is safe.”

Austin looked at them. “Did anything happen at her house last night?”

“That’s none of your business,” Chuck shot back, angry at the man’s audacity.

“I’m simply asking about her safety, buddy. She’s okay, right? You didn’t see anyone around her place?”

“She’s fine, Austin.” Lance’s hard-nosed timbre spoke volumes. “We walked the perimeter of her house several times and saw nothing.”

“Good to know.” Austin stood by their booth. “I just got word the cartel killed a guy named Soliz. He’s one of their own. Apparently, they believe he stole the four hundred thousand dollars.”

Lance sighed. “You mean this might all be over? Danielle will be okay?”

“Maybe. Does Danielle know this Soliz character?”

Chuck didn’t like Austin’s tone. “Why would you think that?”

“She’s keeping secrets. I can tell. Though she didn’t say, it was clear to me she knew Soto when I told the sheriff about him.”

“She has nothing to do with this, Austin.” Chuck felt acid in the back of his throat. He knew Danielle’s truth and the horrible past she’d suffered at her stepfather’s hands. “Yes, she knows Soto, but she would never be involved in some kind of scheme with him. I am sure she has never met Soliz.”

Austin nodded. “I believe you. Hopefully, the cartel doesn’t think she was working with their man Soliz.”

Chuck jumped to his feet. “Fuck, we’ve got to go. Who the hell knows when they might try something?”

Lance stepped next to him. There was no other man Chuck would want by his side more than him. “We shouldn’t have left her in the first place.”

Austin moved beside them. “I understand how you feel. Our sheriff is the best. He won’t let anything happen to Danielle.”