“Danielle, the cartel is unpredictable,” the sheriff said.

Chuck kissed her gently. “We can’t be too careful.”

She looked over at the sheriff, who sent her a knowing wink. “Three against one. You win. I’ll stay away from the diner. But you better do your best for Carlotta, guys. Whichever one of you ends up working my shift today, work hard. Okay?”

“That’ll be me, and I will.” Lance kissed her. “Chuck is taking your shift tomorrow.”

They walked out the door, leaving her alone with Sheriff Champion.

He smiled. “Very nice guys, those two.”

“Yes, they are.” God, meeting Lance and Chuck had been the best thing to happen to her in a long time.

Was she playing with fire? Would her heart get burned if she kept going down this path? Probably, but good or bad, she wanted to spend more time with Lance and Chuck.

“Danielle, I can see you have feelings for them, don’t you?”

She’d expected that out of Carlotta. But the sheriff? “Is everyone in Wilde tasked with playing matchmaker?”

He laughed. “I suppose so.”

“We only just met, Sheriff.”

“Not a big believer in love at first sight? I am. The second I saw Connie, I knew she was for me. She’s the love of my life, my dream girl. Seeing how those two fellows are with you, I think they have already fallen for you, too.”

She wouldn’t mind being Lance and Chuck’s dream girl. “You’re a hopeless romantic, Sheriff.”

“I am. Completely hopeless. Mark my words, Danielle. You three belong together.”

She wished he was right, but she knew she came with a ton of baggage. Was that fair to Lance and Chuck? They had little of their own. Their lives seemed so perfect. Billionaire bachelors. How could she ever fit in?

“I want to talk to you about Miguel Soto, Sheriff.”

“You told me about him, Danielle. Yesterday.”

“I told you some, but not everything.” She looked in his eyes. Even though she trusted him, it was hard to dredge up the past again. Would he think less of her?

Wayne walked to the chair next to her and sat down. He grabbed her hand. “Young lady, I want to hear all of it. The more I know, the better I can help you.”

“I want to tell you everything.”

When she finished retelling what had happened at Pauline’s house, Wayne put his arm around her. “You are extremely strong, Danielle. I’ve known it ever since I met you. And now I know why. How many twelve-year-old girls would’ve had the daring, the courage, the guts to do what you did?”

Hearing him talk about her with such pride made her feel so good. “Thank you.”

“Thank you for sharing this with me. What you’ve told me will help Austin and I to figure out what to do next with the cartel.”

“Where is Miguel?”

“We’re not sure, but the last report from Austin had the bastard in Texas three days ago. It might be time to get you out of town, Danielle. Those two have a jet. I bet they have a place they could take you to until things settle down.”

“That’s asking too much of them. I wouldn’t dare. They’ve already gone overboard. Besides, I’m not going to let the cartel or Miguel dictate to me where I can or can’t be. I love Wilde. This is my home now.” It felt good to say it out loud, to feel it in her very soul. “I’m not leaving.”

Sheriff Champion smiled. “Like I said before. You’ve got courage. I don’t agree, but I understand. Just be careful. We will get through this together.”

“Yes, we will.” With Lance and Chuck by my side, I can face anything.

* * * *