“Business keeps me busy, Miguel. Sit.”

He took a seat.

“As you know, much has happened since you went to prison.” Ricardo motioned to the two men who had escorted him here, and they left the room. “You and I don’t have much family left, Miguel. My father is dead. Carlos took over, but was gunned down shortly after. Your father is dead. Family is family. Now that you are out, I’d like to offer you a job in my organization.”

“Your organization?” The bastard was more smug than he remembered him to be. “I know Carlos is dead, but you and I are equals. That hasn’t changed.”

“You went to prison, Miguel. Everything has changed.” Ricardo picked up the phone. “Send her in.”

“Do you have my stepdaughter or not?”

“Straight to business. I like that.” Ricardo leaned back in his chair. “My men sent her a message. We’ll see how she responds.”

He frowned. “You just want me to sit back and wait?”

“That’s exactly what you will do, Miguel. What I want. This town she lives in has been problematic to the organization. Patience has gotten me to this chair. No one will harm Danielle unless I give the order. Trust me. We wait.”

The door opened and Merle, Miguel’s wife and Danielle’s mother, walked in. Miguel hadn’t expected to see her again. She’d refused to testify on his behalf in the murder case.

Fucking bitch. What was she doing here?

“Ah, my pet.” Ricardo smiled, letting Miguel know the score. Merle was with his cousin now. This was Ricardo’s way of reminding him who was in charge. “Come over here and give your man a kiss.”

Miguel’s gut tightened in rage, but he remained silent, knowing his cousin had all the cards stacked in his favor at the moment. The cunt is mine, bastard. He thought about Soliz’s earlier words. Time to plan a takeover. He couldn’t wait to put a bullet in Ricardo’s head.

Merle looked as beautiful as he remembered, though her eyes were vacant. She glanced at him and sighed. She went to his cousin, who grabbed her and pulled her into his lap. He kissed her, not with passion but with a sign of his power.


“You’re the boss.” His gut burned with hate.

“Cousin, we have a common interest in Danielle, but I want to know more about this treasure she stole from you.”

He wasn’t going to tell him about the book. “Jewels. Merle, you remember Pauline, don’t you?”

She nodded meekly.

What a whore Merle was. She would pay. Ricardo would pay. Danielle would pay.

All he needed was the book.

Chapter Nine

At 11:45 am, Danielle walked into Sheriff Champion’s office with Lance and Chuck.

“Good morning.” The sheriff sat behind his desk. “Have a seat.”

“Sheriff, Chuck and I are headed to the diner,” Lance said. “One of us will be taking Danielle’s shift today. The other will be back to pick her up when she’s done talking to you.”

“I told you that I am fully capable of working my shift, guys. As much as I appreciate all you’re doing for me, you don’t have to do this.”

Chuck placed a firm hand on her shoulder. “With the cartel and Soto gunning for you, it’s best for you to keep your head down and stay out of sight.”

“I’m surprised you let me out of my house, guys. I feel like I’m under house arrest.”

Sheriff Champion’s eyes narrowed. “Young lady, you need to listen to them. They’re right about this. We need to be very cautious when it comes to you. I’m glad that Lance and Chuck realize how serious this is. You almost got run over by a car yesterday, or have you forgotten?”

Thrilled with Wayne Champion’s fatherly demeanor, she smiled. “I haven’t forgotten. Do you really think they would try something like that again? Inside the diner?”