“Is this what they do at those fancy hotels you and Lance stay at? Carry you to the bathroom?”

He laughed. When they came to the tub, he lowered her into the warm water.

The smile that spread across her face thrilled him. “The temperature is perfect. Just right.”

Lance came in with a glass of wine, a cup of coffee and a candle. “I couldn’t decide which beverage you would prefer, so I brought both. I thought something to drink and a candle might enhance the experience for you, baby.”

“It’s 8:30 in the morning. Coffee might be more appropriate, but I think wine is perfect. Thank you.”

Chuck folded up a plush towel and placed it behind her head. “Just relax, Danielle. We’ll be within shouting distance if you need anything at all.”

“As small as my place is, I bet I could whisper and you would hear me, even in the kitchen.”

He bent down and pressed his lips to hers, relishing the taste of her. “Your place is perfect.”

“This must look like a matchbox compared to your homes.”

Lance shook his head. “This is the most beautiful place I’ve seen in my life.”

Chuck thought about all the houses they had around the world. None would compare to the warmth he felt here at Danielle’s place.

* * * *

Staring at the flame of the candle, Danielle sipped on the wine.

Chuck and Lance had made love to her after hearing her story. God, she’d never felt so safe in all her life. They’d made it clear they would protect her. It was more than just feeling safe to her. She felt so comfortable with them.

From their very first introduction, she’d been able to laugh fr

eely. Now, she could cry openly and show her anger, fear, and true self without pretense. She’d never done that with anyone. The sheriff knew most of her history, but Lance and Chuck now knew everything. Her name. Her past. All of it. And they still wanted her. And she wanted them. That was the truth.

Where is this going? I don’t know, but I’m enjoying what we have now.

When she heard Lance and Chuck laughing in her kitchen, she thought it might be time to dry off and go help them. But I still have half a glass of wine.

She giggled. It seemed so funny that Lance and Chuck, who likely had a staff at their beck and call to meet their every need and whim, were in her tiny kitchen, right now, making her breakfast. I must be the luckiest woman in the world.

Am I dreaming again? I am naked. She laughed, expecting to hear elephants off in the distance. Oh my God, will I ever be able to go to a zoo again without getting all hot and bothered? She grinned and took another sip.

Lance and Chuck had told her to enjoy her bath.

Why not soak a little longer?

* * * *

Lance stood over the stove, listening to the sizzle of the bacon. His stomach growled in response, but all his thoughts were on Danielle, who was still in the bathtub.

His Glock was on the counter within reach.

Chuck’s weapon was holstered to his side. He started a second pot of coffee. “This reminds me of the early days. Back in our first apartment.”

“I know. Ramen noodles and beer. That got us through several lean months.”

“There were quite a few of them, but we sure had fun.”

“As I recall, I was the best cook.” Lance never tired of talking about the old days when he and Chuck had worked hard to build up their company. It had been the best time of his life. “You burned everything. Even popcorn.”

“The power on that microwave was much stronger than it should’ve been and you know it.”