Lance and Chuck looked at her with surprise, their eyes full of questions.

“What’s wrong, baby?” Chuck asked.

Lance leaned back. “Are we coming on to strong?”

“No. It’s just that I must tell you something.”

“Go on, sweetheart.” Chuck’s face softened with concern. “We’re here for you.”

“It’s just that I’ve never…um…”

“Never what, Danielle?” Lance asked.

Here it goes. Time to let them know the whole truth. “I’ve never been with anyone. No one has ever touched me before. I’m afraid I’ll disappoint you.” She couldn’t bear to look at them and lowered her eyes.

Chuck touched her cheek. “You could never disappoint us, baby.”

She looked at him and saw such compassion and warmth.

Lance grabbed her hands. “You are beautiful, charming, sexy, sweet, and everything else any man would want.”

She turned to him and saw the same measure of goodness she’d seen in Chuck. How was I so lucky to have these two come into my life?

Lance continued. “God knows I want you, but if you’re not ready for this then I will wait.”

“Same here,” Chuck agreed.

“I want you more than anything,” she confessed. “I just need to know how you feel about me being a virgin.”

Both of them smiled broadly.

Lance spoke first. “I think it’s so wonderful that we will be your first.”

Chuck nodded. “We definitely don’t want to disappoint you.”

“How could you? You were already making me feel so special.”

“You’ve done the same for us, baby.” Lance was so sexy and understanding.

“We’re both overwhelmed and honored that you trust us with this most precious gift.” Chuck kissed her and she melted into him.

She could feel Lance’s hot, manly breath on her pussy. His mouth hovered above her mound as he gently massaged her thighs. Her need multiplied with every beat of her racing heart. She’d waited for this night for so long in the hopes she would find someone who would give her an experience she would never forget. I found two someones, or did they find me?

“Lift your legs for me, baby,” Lance said.

She did, and he pulled her pants and thong the rest of the way off. Chuck removed her top and bra, leaving her completely exposed. This feels so natural, so right.

He and Lance removed their clothes in a flash. Seeing their naked bodies delighted her. She’d never seen a man in the flesh, face-to-face, in living color. Unable to resist, her eyes went down to their cocks, which were enormous and already erect.

She gasped. “You’re both so big. Is that normal?”

They chuckled.

“Honey, Lance is slightly above average, whereas I’m way above,” Chuck teased.

Lance shot his friend his happy middle finger. “She can see for herself, buddy, who is bigger.”

She needed to stop this before it got out of hand. “You look about the same to me. I’ve always heard size doesn’t matter.”